
More than fifty years after the Second World War, a number of African American soldiers were awarded ― some of them posthumously ― with the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, and which was long overdue in recognition of their outstanding bravery.

A. with the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, and which was long overdue in

B. with the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for long-overdue

C. the Congressional Medal of Honor, which was the nation’s highest military award, long-overdue in

D.the Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for long-overdue

E. themselves Congressional Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award, in long-overdue




    英语中有一类词称作“给予动词”,如 give、sand、pass 等,这类动词后面要跟跟 “间接宾语 (sb.) + 直接宾语 (sth.)” 或  “直接宾语 (sth.) + to + 间接宾语 (sb.)。(注:在拉丁语系和斯拉夫语系中,直接宾语称作 “宾格”,间接宾语称作 “受格”,不同的格有不同格的形式。现代英语已经把 “宾格” 和 “受格 ”统一到一起,统称宾格。)

    award 的意思是 “授予”,从词义上属于给予动词,如要表示 “授予某人某物” 或 “把某物授予某人”,要用 “award sb. sth.” 或“award sth. to sb.” 这种双宾语结构。

    这种结构改为被动语态就是  “[sb.] be awarded sth. (某人被授予某物)”  或 “[sth.] be awarded to sb. (某物被授予某人)”

    本句中的 (a number of African Americansoldiers) were awarded (with the Congressional Medal of Honor) 是把间接宾语变成主语的被动语态,但是在直接宾语前却出现了介词 with,因此是错误的。正确的用法应该如下:

    (a number of African American soldiers) were awarded (the Congressional Medal of Honor) 【许多非裔美籍士兵被授予国家荣誉勋章】

    (the Congressional Medal of Honor) were awarded (to a number of African American soldiers) 【国家荣誉勋章授给许多非裔美籍士兵】




本句的逗号中间的是前面 “士兵” 的同位语,一句话并没有结束,因此后面只能是用了被动语态以后保留下来的直接宾语,构不成 “with + 独立主格结构” 所作的随状态。
至于这种 “with + 独立主格结构” ,不属于你所提问中要讨论的话题。如果要详细了解,几句话说不清楚,咱们另文再讨论,因为我必须下线了,你说好不好。

第1个回答  2014-08-29
当使用award的时候,只需要说:sb is awarded something. 不需要加with.

另外,也可以说something was awarded to somebody.


Dr. Mary Ellen Avery with President George Bush in 1991, when she was awarded the National Medal of Science.
Steven D. Levitt, a professor at the University of Chicago, was awarded the John Bates Clark medal by the American Economic Association yesterday.