

-- Create the user
create user SH
default tablespace USERS
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT
password expire
account lock;
-- Grant/Revoke object privileges
grant read on directory DATA_FILE_DIR to SH;
grant execute on DBMS_STATS to SH;
grant read, write on directory LOG_FILE_DIR to SH;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant cwm_user to SH;
grant resource to SH;
grant select_catalog_role to SH;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant alter session to SH;
grant create cluster to SH;
grant create database link to SH;
grant create dimension to SH;
grant create materialized view to SH;
grant create sequence to SH;
grant create session to SH;
grant create synonym to SH;
grant create table to SH;
grant create view to SH;
grant query rewrite to SH;
grant unlimited tablespace to SH;
