













Grasps the time pulse, listens respectfully to the world sound. I am--, welcome listens to when a group of entire world the news: the Taibei Local court already issued the subpoena the other day to Chen Shuibian Madame Wu Shuzhen, requests her to appear in court to try the confidential expense document. Before is not good take " the health " as the reason, asks for leave 16 Wu Shuzhen, can this outcome physical presence? Chen Shuibian's staff indicated that each time arrived at confidential Fei An to hold court, Wu Shuzhen's body could certainly leave the condition, the Taibei Local court 18th subpoena on September 19 appears in court, perhaps could not wait for her. 3 a week ago, doctor in charge indicated that Wu Shuzhen's physical condition too big change, had not heard Wu Shuzhen catches cold. the Taiwan area 15:43 has the Lishi 6.1 magnitude of earthquakes this afternoon, the epicenter located at the Yilan Suao seismic station east of 85.8 kilometers place, the earthquake wave passed through the Island of Taiwan Central Mountain Range, at present still did not have the disaster situation to spread. the Beijing Paralympic Game track and field competition launches the second play day this morning contention, in the national stadium carries on the female 100 meter T11 level finals, Chinese contestant Wu Chunmiao 31 wins the gold medal by 12 seconds, and breaks Paralympic Game to record. in the national stadium carries on this morning in the female discus F35-36 level finals, Chinese contestant F36 level Wu Qing 80 wins the gold medal by 25 meters, and breaks Paralympic Game to record. the Paralympic Game five people make the soccer second round competition to carry on today in the Olympics park hockey field. The Chinese team 1:0 defeats the Argentine team. This war the Chinese team two will fight the total victory to accumulate 6 points from now on. On September 11, the Chinese team will meet head-on the South Korean team who two fight all defeats
第1个回答  2008-10-27
A purported new video of Osama bin Laden shows the al-Qaeda leader urging Americans to convert to Islam to stop the Iraq war, but the video does not contain any overt threat ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The videotape's authenticity has not yet been confirmed, but media organizations have quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying it appeared to have been made as recently as this summer.

In a soft voice, and measured tone, the man purported to be bin Laden delivers a wandering 30-minute tirade against democracy, capitalism and Western political leaders.

He specifically refers to U.S. President George W. Bush, the Democratic victory in U.S. Congress, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May, and new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who took office in June.

第2个回答  2008-10-27
国内英语新闻:Central banker: China's economic prospect complicated by world slowdown (2008-10-27 09:42:41)
国内英语新闻:Vice Premier pledges to help Macao deal with financial crisis (2008-10-27 09:42:12)
国内英语新闻:Vice Premier meets leaders of Slovenia, Laos and Sri Lanka (2008-10-27 09:40:53)
国内英语新闻:ASEM agrees to issue the Beijing Declaration (2008-10-26 11:01:40)
国内英语新闻:Senior official urges lawyers to protect legal rights of clients (2008-10-26 11:01:07)
国内英语新闻:7th Asia-Europe meeting concluded with consensus on global financial crisis (2008-10-26 10:59:44)
国内英语新闻:China hosts reception to honor Sino-Japanese peace treaty (2008-10-25 07:50:48)
国内英语新闻:ASEM summit closed session focuses on global financial crisis (2008-10-25 07:49:49)


第3个回答  2008-10-27
Grasps the time pulse, listens respectfully to the world sound. I am--, welcome listens to when a group of entire world the news: The Taibei Local court already issued the subpoena the other day to Chen Shuibian Madame Wu Shuzhen, requests her to appear in court to try the confidential expense document. Before by " Health not good " For the reason, asks for leave 16 Wu Shuzhen, can this outcome physical presence? Chen Shuibian's staff indicated that each time arrived at confidential Fei An to hold court, Wu Shuzhen's body could certainly leave the condition, the Taibei Local court 18th subpoena on September 19 appears in court, perhaps could not wait for her.

3 weeks ago, doctor in charge indicated that Wu Shuzhen's physical condition too big change, had not heard Wu Shuzhen catches cold. Taiwan area 15:43 has the Lishi 6.1 magnitude of earthquakes this afternoon, the epicenter located at the Yilan Suao seismic station east of 85.8 kilometers place, the earthquake wave passed through the Island of Taiwan Central Mountain Range, at present still did not have the disaster situation to spread.

Beijing Paralympic Game track and field competition launches the second play day this morning contention, in the national stadium carries on the female 100 meter T11 level finals, Chinese contestant Wu Chunmiao 31 wins the gold medal by 12 seconds, and breaks Paralympic Game to record.

This morning in the national stadium carries on the female discus F35-36 level finals, Chinese contestant F36 level Wu Qing 80 wins the gold medal by 25 meters, and breaks Paralympic Game to record. The Paralympic Game five people make the soccer second round competition to carry on today in the Olympics park hockey field. The Chinese team 1:0 defeats the Argentine team. This war the Chinese team two will fight the total victory to accumulate 6 points from now on. On September 11, the Chinese team will meet head-on the South Korean team who two fight all defeats.

第4个回答  2008-10-27