写一篇英语作文:写一份健康的1日3餐 50个单词


You have probably heard of this before: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. This simple but well-known French adage provides basic directions to how to eat healthily. A full and nutritious breakfast goes you a energetic start of the day, and after that, a balanced lunch refills your energy without any difficulty in digestion. At the end of the day, reward yourself with a light dinner which allows you to have a nice dream without any burden in your stomach.你也许曾经听说过,吃国王一样的早餐,王子一样的中餐,贫民一样的晚餐。这句虽然简单但是流传甚广的法国谚语提供了健康饮食的基础方向。一个丰盛而有营养的早餐给你的一天一个活力充沛的开始,而之后,一个均衡的中餐补充你的能量而又不会难以消化。在一天结束之后,用一顿简单清淡的晚餐奖励你自己,因为它将让你没有任何肠胃负担地做个好梦。
