你喜欢漫画吗?为什么?请你谈谈对漫画的看法 英语作文100字左右


I very love anime, because anime character is very beautiful. Animation, it is to give people a space for imagination. Are free to create all kinds of characters. Anime, would also give some daydream girl's vision of place. Anime also can let a person produce infinite imagination. So I love anime

第1个回答  2012-12-09



Love. Basically animation is in accordance with the comic to do, but there are exceptions, such as the comic release period slower (fire image, death of the original ), or comics did however due to various reasons, to the end of the anime ending part ( too much ), or in the cartoon express, but it was not part of the animation expression ( lot ).
Animation because of the variety of post-production, including OP, ED, voice, music, the sense of continuity, lens switching and a series of technique, the comic from a rigid form of life, thus enriching the character image.
Especially the action and emotion category comic, but animation successful those who do not coherent motion \ / thought / mood swings and so on will be coherent, more easy to impress readers / viewers heart. The so-called sense of shock from it. Many animation fans have said so than the live-action films, animation to express my inner exaggerated rhetoric method to express the reality can not express. More importantly, human actors, often in their own way to interpret a role, and animated characters are fully expressed the author's intention. ( here the point )
The animation is good but the comic is also pretty good ~ ~ this speaking, comic is the author himself, and was the original. It is an important point, in the manga, there will be a lot of small part, such as the works of complement component makes the works more vivid, let the world more perfect. In this animation, is not to be ignored, is to use a character to say. From a certain perspective greatly reduce the fun and continuity, after all, a lot of time joke bursting point not say too directly.

第2个回答  2012-12-09

