pick up是什么意思

desperate housewife, season 2, episode 12:
Tom: the boys were sent home from school
Lynette: what! why? I called. the machine kept picking up
pick up 怎么理解? 谢谢
Tom: 孩子们被学校送回来了
lynette: 什么?为什么?我打电话了,都转到了留言机
the machine kept picking up我不大理解
(直译留言机一直接收吗?转到了留言机?or sth? thanks in advance)

pick up的意思:捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会


They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish. 


pick 读法  英 [pɪk]  美 [pɪk] 


1、pick cotton 摘棉花

2、pick flower 采花

3、pick fruit 摘果子



1、pick用作名词时的意思是“挑选,选择”,可指“挑选”的行为,也可指“选择权”; 可指供人选择的商品,也可指被选择的人,还可指各项选择中最好的部分,即“精华,最佳选择”。

2、pick还可表示用来刨地的“镐,锄”。pick常用于take one's pick和the pick of两个短语中。







第1个回答  2012-12-12
pick up[英][pik ʌp] [美][pɪk ʌp]

1.PHRASAL VERB拿起;提起;拾起;捡起When you pick something up, you lift it up. He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head...他从地板上拾起帽子,重新戴在头上。Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it.里德利拿起一支铅笔,不停地在手里摆弄着。
2.PHRASAL VERB(跌倒或被击倒后)使(自己)慢慢站起(或爬起)When you pick yourself up after you have fallen or been knocked down, you stand up rather slowly. Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.安东尼自己慢慢爬起来,又开始沿着跑道跑下去。
3.PHRASAL VERB(通常指开车)接载,取走When you pick up someone or something that is waiting to be collected, you go to the place where they are and take them away, often in a car. We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan...我们第二天早晨开车去机场接苏姗。She went over to her parents' house to pick up some clean clothes...她去了趟父母家取些干净衣服。I picked her up at Covent Garden to take her to lunch with my mother.我在科文特花园接上了她,然后带她和我母亲一起去吃午饭。
4.PHRASAL VERB逮捕;拘捕If someone is picked up by the police, they are arrested and taken to a police station. Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office...罗林斯已在办公室遭警察拘捕。The police picked him up within the hour.警察不到一小时就将他逮捕了。
5.PHRASAL VERB(不费力地)获得,学会If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time. Where did you pick up your English?...你在哪儿学的英语?Young people are picking up ideas about good drugs and bad drugs.年轻人正在形成毒品有好坏之分的观念。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-12
pick up
拾起, 捡起; 抬起
He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.
他抱起孩子, 让她骑在自己的肩膀上。
I picked up your book by mistake.
I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。
安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救
The ship calls at each port on this coast to pick up passengers and mail.
那艘轮船在沿海每个港口停下, 搭载乘客和接取邮件。
Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there.
请在校门口等候, 约翰会到那里接你。
The shipwrecked sailors were picked up by a passing boat.
爬〔站〕起来; 振作起来
His spirits picked up.
Pick yourself up and brush yourself down.
自己爬起来, 把衣服掸干净。
It's hard to pick yourself up after such a terrible shock.
经历这样可怕的打击后, 就很难再振奋起来了。
The car began to pick up the moment the vehicle got onto the motorway.
一开上高速公路, 车子的速度就加快了。
The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.
Children, it's time to pick up and have supper.
孩子们, 该收拾吃晚饭了。
Pick up your room before you go out, please.
The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.
掘, 挖
The peasants were picking up in the field.
The man was picking up the ground very hard.
The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.
He must have picked up a cold—he's begun to snuffle.
他开始鼻塞, 一定是感冒了。
捉住, 逮住
He was implicated in a murder, and sooner or later they would pick him up.
他和一宗凶杀案有牵连, 迟早他们会逮捕他的。
He is picked up on a charge of killing a man.
好转; 恢复
When is the weather going to pick up? It's been bad for weeks.
Trade has been slack for the past six months, but it is now picking up.
在过去六个月中贸易一直不景气, 但现在状况正在好转。
He has picked up slowly since he came out of hospital.
他自出院以来, 身体恢复得很慢。
The writer's personal appearance picked up the sales of the book considerably.
那位作家亲自到场, 使那本书的销售量大增。
A bit of exercise will pick you up.
第3个回答  2012-12-12
捡起, 给某人搭顺车
第4个回答  2012-12-13