
Directions:For this part ,you are required to write an essay in about 150 words to say something about showing respect for old people. You essay should include the following information1.为什么要尊敬老人2.你怎样尊敬老人

第1个回答  2012-12-11
The old give their most to us when they were young and they ask for nothing but our love and care.In return we should meet their needs and make them hapy. In addition we should try our best to do it. As is known to allthe old havent had much time in their lifeso we must cherish them and be well aware of it.In my opinoinif you dont do it right nowyoull forgive in the future. So we should give the old more care and loveonly in this way can we achieve the goal of building up a harmonious society
and what we can do to respect them?
First of all, those who have old parents should take the responsibility to take good
care of them. The government should set up more nursing houses for old people,
especially for those who have no children and who are physically and mentally
disabled. More importantly, there should be more organizations providing
financial, medical and legal assistance for old people. In a word, special
efforts should be made to help old people to spend their later years of their
lives comfortably and merrily.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-11