英语be located in 和 be located on的区别?


"Be located in" 和 "be located on" 都是用来描述位置的短语。

"Be located in" 通常用于描述建筑、房屋、城市或区域等相对更大的范围内的位置,表示某物体位于某个区域内部。例如:

    Beijing is located in northern China. (北京位于中国北部。)

    The hotel is located in the city center. (这家酒店位于市中心。)

    "Be located on" 则通常用于描述物体、建筑等占据的空间范围的表面位置,一般是指在某个较小的区域、物体表面等。例如:

    The painting is located on the wall. (这幅画挂在墙壁上。)

    The airport is located on the outskirts of the city. (机场位于市郊。)

    总之,"be located in" 表示具体位置的区域内,而"be located on" 表示所在位置在某个更大的物体表面上。

第1个回答  2023-04-27
"Be located in" 表示某物或某地点在另一个更大的区域或地点内部,例如 "New York City is located in the United States" (纽约市位于美国境内)。其中,“in”表示“在……之内/内部”。
而"Be located on"则表示某物或某个位置在另一个更大的物体或地点的表面上,例如 "The book is located on the table"(书在桌子上)。其中,“on”表示“在……表面上”。
因此,“be located in”强调某物或某地点在整体物体内部的具体位置,而“be located on”则强调物体之间的相对位置。
第2个回答  2022-07-10
be located in 坐落于或处于某一较大的范围或地点之内
be located on 强调坐落于.的上面,或者后接某一具体的时间日期.
for example,be located on the North American continent 就是强调坐落于北美大陆的上面.