purpose, reason, cause 有什么区别


purpose n. 目的,意图,目标e. g. What is your purpose in doing this? 你做这件事的目的是什么?比较:for…purpose为了……目的 on purpose 有意地,故意地,特意e. g. If I go there in future, it will be for the purpose of seeing you.如果我今后去那儿的话,就是为了见你。I’ve come on purpose to speak ...reason在定语从句中的用法 2009-12-06 15:03 The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.The reason why...is that... 这是特定句型, why引导定语从句,is后的用词为that,一般不用because.The reason why she did it is that she wouldn’t let her parents feel disappointed.她为什么做那件事是因为她不想让父母失望。该句中的why引导一个定语从句,而that引导表语从句。(1) 句中that引导的表语从句说明主语reason的具体内容注意以下三种结构:① The reason is / was that clause. 当主语是reason / cause时,一般不能用because或why引导表语从句,以免造成语意重复。The reason why/for which(也可以省去) he was late was that he got up late.他迟到的原因是他起床晚了。②当主语是This / That时,可以由because / why引导表语从句。He got up late. That was why he was late for class.He was late for class. That was because He got up late.(2)why在句中是关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词reason,同时它在定语从句中作状语,此时why = for which,但要注意:关系词在定语从句中做主语或宾语时,要用关系代词that或which。The reason why/for which(也可以省去) he was late was that he got up late.他迟到的原因是他起床晚了。The reason that/which/(也可以省去) he gave you was reasonable.他给你的理由是合理的。cause在第二句中不能单独使用. 要用也得有the cause of
2.reason就是理由. cause是引起XXX的原因.

你别拿中文意思去忘记和理解. 这样会分不清. 你就多读这两个句子,读出声来, 在不同的时间至少读40回. 你就明白二者的区别了.这叫语感
cause用作动词,当“引起,造成,使得”讲。cause sb.sth.(=cause sth.to sb.)(后接间接宾语+直接宾语)为固定用法。
第1个回答  2013-09-13
Reason and cause
Cause: ① 〔C〕“原因,起因,根源”something which produces an effort; a person, a thing or event that makes sth happen
Don’t complain without (good) cause.没有充分的理由就不要抱怨.
A cause is sth that produces a result; a reason is sth that explain, or excuse an action.
Cause使之产生某种结果的原因to cause someone or sth to be in a particular condition
There was not enough evidence to prove that tobacco was the cause of disease.
I believe that these large increases have been the cause of most of our economic problems.
It was a shock to everyone that their marriage broken up , but sally and her jealousy was the cause of it.
Reason:① a reason why someone does sth or feels a particular way使之解释或原谅某个行为的理由
Why did you do it? I hope you had a good reason.
She wants to change her job for purely personal reasons.
I think the reason why she left him was that he drank too much.
The only reason I went was that I wanted to meet you your friend.
② a reason that explains why sth happened
The tax on fuel has increased and this is the main reason for the price rise.
Now we know the real reason why he is late for work every morning.
Each of us had reasons for wanting to leave best known to ourselves.
If you have good reasons for suspecting her, she should be closely questioned.
The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving too fast.事故的原因是开车太快了.
The reason why he was driving so fast was late for an important meeting.他开车开的那么快的原因是他要参加一个重要的会议,时间已经晚了
The cause of the fire is not known yet.
The reason why I was absent yesterday is that I was sick.= My illness was the cause of my absence.我昨天缺席的原因是我生病了
If the doctor asks why, the computer goes through its memory and gives the reason.如果大夫问为什么计算机就从它储存的现象中查找并说明理由.(不用cause)
They don’t know the cause of the death among the old people.
We have no reason not to study hard.我们没有理由不努力学习
Give the reason for choosing the answer.把你选这个答案的理由讲一下.
Heat is the cause of expansion of matter.热是物体膨胀的原因
Smoking is the cause of the cancer.
名词cause可接介词或 of短语; cause for后接表示忧虑,埋怨,惊恐等表感情的词: e. g: cause for anger/regret/anxiety /complain(生气后悔忧虑埋怨的原因) cause of e .g: cause of the delay/the noise /the fighting/the disaster(耽搁嘈音打架灾难的原因)
reason to do sth
You don’t need to find out a reason to phone her.
We have no reason to believe him.
What is the reason for such bad behavior?
第2个回答  推荐于2018-04-19
n. 目的,意向,决心,效果,意义,论题
vt. 意欲,企图,计划
n. 理由,原因; / 理智,理性
vi. 推论,推理
vt. 推论,推理;说服,评理;辩论,讨论 cause
n. 原因,目标,事业
vt. 引起,使产生,成为…的原因