跪求《钢铁是怎样炼成的》英文读后感!!!急 !2小时内! 初二水平,简单点的,最好原创!!!!!!

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How the Steel Was Tempered "is a well-known novel, is also the first landed on China's foreign novels. This is an autobiographical novel, the protagonist Paul. Kecha prototype is the author of gold - Ostrovsky.
How the Steel Was Tempered? This seemingly unrelated problems with the book, but metaphors become the subject of the entire book. Iron tempered to go through numerous fire, forging material can become a good hard steel. 20th-century Ukraine, pervasive smoke of war, civil war continued foreign wars, full of irrational social system. World War I had just subsided, they began World War II, countries once again involved in the endless war, there is no stable government, people have no social security, not only to be threatened at any time of life, but also suffering from exploitation and oppression dignitaries .
It is in this social context, Paul developed a rebellious childhood psychological and social dissatisfaction and angry exploiting classes. He grew up going through hardships, suffered hardships, not to the old, went to the people to do odd jobs, doing odd jobs in the years to come, he witnessed the darkness of society and inequality. From that moment, he set the elimination of oppression, the liberation of the people's resolve. In 1918, he decided to join the underground, and their determination to join the battle, with his own things done turning back the spirit of his extraordinary bravery in combat. In 1920, Paul participated in day-care Ataturk in the Battle of head injuries, blind right eye after surgery, all that he must not survive, but he has amazing stamina to come alive, continue the fight. Unfortunately, that just over four years, his condition rapidly deteriorated, the hospital diagnosed that he has a disability. He realized he could no longer continue fighting, they began to seize the time, stubbornly self-study, he "want to change a weapon, continue to fight!." In 1930, he began writing "How the Steel Was Tempered", cold the pain continued to harass him, his left eye is also blind, but he never depressed, with amazing perseverance and the fight against the terrible fate . Finally, even the pen he could get it fixed, in the family's help, he completed a whole through the oral work.
The novel, the text is very simple, powerful, passionate, is the perfect combination of autobiography and the idea, great war scenes depicted vivid, thrilling. Of strong will and spirit that runs through the book, all the time to motivate me and let me pay tribute to the oil of Health, moved.
Since the book was first published, the sales of amazing, a generation classics. It has inspired generations of aspiring young people to join the fight for freedom. Why is it called the "iron"? I think in fact the sinking of the tempered into a steel heart! Today, we live in peace, away from the war, but always encounter difficulties in life, when the depths of our adversity, the thought of this book, Paul's spirit will encourage us, this iron spirit will be immortal!