

约洲(New York State)的别名是“大苹果”,因为他的版图像一个苹果。
它位于美国东北部,是美国联邦建立时最早的十三个州之一,纽约州别名帝国之州,州花为玫瑰,州鸟为蓝知更鸟,州树为枫树。 纽约州位于美国东北部,邻近新英格兰地区,面积14万平方公里,海岸线204公里,被新英格兰各州、大西洋、新泽西、宾西法尼亚及加拿大和安大略湖环绕,首府:奥尔伯尼市(Albany)。最大城市:纽约市。其他主要城市:布法罗,罗彻斯特,洋克市及赛拉克斯市。纽约是美国的贸易和金融中心,2004年美国《财富》杂志美国500强企业中有51家企业的总部设在纽约州。座落于纽约州的这些大公司大多数把总部设在纽约市,使得她成为最大的国际金融和商业活动中心。
第1个回答  2015-05-28
The state of New York is America’s top apple grower after the state of Washington. But actual apples have nothing to do with NYC’s nickname “The Big Apple.” That has to do with horse racing. The phrase was popularized by John J. Fitz Gerald, who began using it in his horse racing column in 1921. At the time, New York City had the biggest cash purses for horse racing in the country. Allegedly, Fitz Gerald first heard the term from stable hands in New Orleans when he traveled there to sell a horse. Fitz Gerald realized he was on to something, and starting February 18, 1924, he began every column with: The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There’s only one Big Apple. That’s New York. The phrase caught on, and before long a song/dance called “The Big Apple” was making a splash in Harlem night clubs. Jazz musicians began using the term to reference their hometown in lyrics. But the nickname had nearly died off by the 1960s, when the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau decided to revive it with a tourist campaign. They hoped the shiny red icon would change the notion that New York City was a dirty, dangerous place to visit. The city officially adopted the nickname in the 1970's--apparently unconcerned about its roots in gambling, lack of relevance, and limited marketability.
第2个回答  2013-08-13