






20世纪 50 年代 ,即 建国 初期,国家对繁体字 进行了第一次简化,1952年中国文字改革研



1977 年曾 推出过《第二次汉字简化方案》,1986年6月即被停止使用。


第1个回答  2013-10-13
原意:怎么样你?有什么事儿嘛?也可作为问好用(熟人之间候)------再见1. cya = cu =see ya:再见2. laterz = later = cya later = see ya later:再见3. gn = gn8 = gnight:晚安4. nn = nite:晚安------惊叹赞扬1. OMG :(oh my god)我的天2. OMFG :(oh my fxcking god)我的老天3. wtf :what the fuck = 怎么会事!?4. n1 = nite:(nice 1)漂亮5. pwnz:(ownz)牛X(pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!)6. rullz:强7. you rock! :你牛X-------笑1. lol :再见2. lmao :再见3. rofl :(roll on floor laughing)笑翻天了-------特殊用语1. w00t = woot :what 虾米?!主要表示what和yeah的意思,例如惊叹和兴奋2. sry:sorry,不好意思3. n00b:newbie=新人,新手;小嫩手------表情符号1. : )2. ; D3. ; o4. ; o5. : > --- (gay smile)6. o/ --- (欢庆)7. \o --- (欢庆)8. o// --- (欢庆)9. D: --- (吃惊)10. Oo=O_o=虾米!(挣大眼睛表示惊叹)11. <3=心,表示喜爱-------其他简写 1. FU :fxck you2. STFU:给我闭嘴!3. k=ok=okay=okie:好的,可以4. gimme:给我5. em them:他们的宾格6. thx thanks:谢谢7. ty thank you:原本用的不多,不过现在又开始兴起来了8. happy bday = happy b-day:happy birthday! 生日快乐9. dunno:dont know 不知道10. kinda:a little bit 有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think i should get it done as soon as possible.)11. cmon = c'mon:come on 加油/别吹了/快点/起来(这个词意思很多)12. hax = hack = cheat:作弊,说谎(很地道时尚的词,老外用的比较多)13. ttyl:talk to you later14. holla:来和我讲话(also, holla at yo boy, holla at yo girl etc)-------聊天常用1. asl : a=age,s=sex,l=location2. plz : Please;r:are;u:you3. S’up?: 也写sup,什么事?问候语4. Lol : 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的^-^一样5. Yup/ Nope : 是的/ 不是的6. btw : by the way7. cool : cool代表一种感觉,没有语法限制,只要你想,就可以cool出来!8. BRB : be right back9. lil : little10. l8r : later (l+eight+r)11. KIT : keep in touch12. ASAP : as soon as possible13. talkin’ : talking14. zm : zone message15. thanx : thanks16. cu : see you17. FTF : face to face18. FYI : For your information19. IC : i see20. u : you21. r : are22. IOW : In other word23. TIA : Thanx in advance24. TTuL : Talk to you later25. IMO : In my opinion------其他DIY:Do It Yourself的缩写,自己动手做的意思 SOHO:Small Office Home Officer的简称,意思是“在家办公”。 C U/c ya :See You的缩写带音译, I C:I See的缩写带音译,我知道了 FT:分特,Faint的缩写,昏倒、晕厥之意。 SP:support,支持。 LOL:Laugh Out Loud,大笑。 IOWAN2BWU:I only want to be with you M$ULKeCraZ:Miss you like crazy CUL8R:see you later IMHO:In my humble opinion asap:as soon as possible for:4 2:to u=you ur=your etc... r-are u-you y-why 2-to, too 2gether-together 2night-tonight 2morrow-tomorrow sth=something sb=somebody gf=girl friend bf=boy friend r=are u=you 2=to too 4=for 9t=night y=why yes gm5=give me five w8= wait gr8=great l8r=later ASAP= as soon as possible IC.= I see. 3Q=thank you. LOL= laugh out loud. ppl=people e.g.=for example DIY=Do It Yourself CU=See You BRB=Be right back TTYL=Talk to you later BBL=Be back later PPL=people PLS=please RU OK=Are you OK?