以whose book is this 为题目写80字英语作文。


Whose book is this?
I ask Jim. Jim tell me that it is not his, but he guess Kerry may know the answer. So I go to look for Kerry, but unluckily, I can't find her. During my looking for Kerry, John meet me and he asks me whose book is this, he lost a similar one. After we check together, we find that the book belongs to John. John thanks me and take away the book happily.

whose book is this
  One day I hurried to school after breakfast.When I entered the classroom, I see my desk filled with a lot of books.I feel confuse.whose book is this?
  I asked others everywhere.Someone told me that those books are donated.I'm surprised.Later, my classmate told me that these are those who donated to the poor boy.I was very moved.I was careful to keep these books.

第1个回答  2013-11-09

ose book is this


             在回家的路上,我在脑子里反复琢磨着该怎样写,材料更加丰富呢?丝毫没有想到这件事所要表达的是“孝心”二字古人云:“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,父母把我们带到这个世界来。观“孝”这个字,老在上,字在下,古人造的何止是字,而是给人类定下了一个规矩,这就是孝的内涵,连孝的英文也是filial piety 也是孝顺 虔诚的意思,这更体现了不仅仅是国人,就是全世界都懂孝的内涵。

第2个回答  2013-11-09
   whose book is this
  One day I hurried to school after breakfast.When I entered the classroom, I see my desk filled with a lot of books.I feel confuse.whose book is this?
  I asked others everywhere.Someone told me that those books are donated.I'm surprised.Later, my classmate told me that these are those who donated to the poor boy.I was very moved.I was careful to keep these books.
