Health 健康
Definition: 定义:
State of being well and usingØ every power the individual possesses "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and socialØ well-being and not merely the absence of disease"
健康的状态与使用·运用——个体有用每种能力。世界卫生组织(WHO) :健康是体格、心理与社会的完美和谐。健康不仅仅是没有疾病。
Ø "Health is not a condition, it is an adjustment. It is not a state, but a process. The process adapts the individual not only to our physical, e|ngnkf(G but also our social, environments" (President’s Commission)
most individuals define health asØ the following:
being free of symptoms of disease and pain as much as being able to be active and able to do what they want or must do being in good spirits most of the time大多数对健康的定义是:健康是没有疾病与的症状在大部分时间里有好的精神状态下能够活动和做自己想要做的或必须做的事情。
Wellness 健壮
健壮是这样的一种状态——个体拥有一种发展的状态。最大的可能的潜能,不顾当前的健康状态。 an active process by whichØ an individual progresses towards maximum potential possible, regardless of current state of health Components of Wellness
1. physical, e.g身体层面
a. ability to carry out daily tasks 有能力完成日常的任务。
b. achieve fitness具备体适能
c. maintain nutrition and proper body fat 维系营养和适度的体脂。
d. avoid abusing drugs, alcohol, or using tobacco products 避免滥用药物、酒精或使用烟草产品。
e. generally to practice positive life-style habits 通常履行积极的生活习惯。