高三英语周报外研版2015-2016第18期 的答案


高三英语周报外研版2015-2016第18期 的答案
Book 6 Modules 5-6
11-15 BBCAC 16-20CBBCB
21-25 DBDCD 26-30CDBAB
31-35 CBBAB 36-40GCAFE
41-45 CDABB 46-50DCDDB
51-55 ACADC 56-60DDBAC
61. have been thinking
62. a 63.Using
64. that / which 65. whether / if
66. for 67.Trained
68. more 69.decision
70. firmly
71. ... pay a visit ... visit后加to
72. ... I am eagerly to ...
eagerly → eager
73. ... appreciate it unless ...
unless → if
74. ... convenient of you ... of → to
75. Beside, my family ...
Beside → Besides
76. ... if you will come ... 去掉will
77. ... visit your school ... your → my
78. ... and amazed place.
amazed → amazing
79. ... we would have a ... would → will
80. ... to see you. see → seeing
One possible version:
Dear John,
I would like to tell you more about a newtrend in China— delivering electronic red envelopes.
Traditionally, red envelopes represent goodluck. The Chinese give red envelopes with cash to children during the SpringFestival and to new couples at their wedding parties. However, many people sentout their New Year's greetings through electronic red envelopes this year.
Electronic red envelopes are mainly sent bycompanies in order to earn more profit. Some people send electronic red envelopesto kids or friends for fun. Sometimes, one can even pay back money by sendingelectronic red envelopes.
Delivering electronic red envelopes is agood way to keep Chinese tradition alive. High technology is making our livesmore and more convenient and interesting.
Li Hua
21. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的The two wished that Andrea Swift, the artist's mother who isbattling cancer, would get better可知。
22. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的Along with their mother's help及第四段末的We're doing everything we can to get them to Taylor and her mom可推断,姐妹俩的妈妈对她们的计划非常支持。
23. D。词义猜测题。由最后一段中的you never know及If you're going to dream, dream big. Nothing is impossible可推断,划线部分的意思是“值得尝试但不太可能成功的计划”。
24. C。推理判断题。姐妹俩为喜欢的歌星的妈妈折纸鹤祈福,这说明她们是心地善良的人。倒数第二段末的her daughters' kind act也是提示。
25. D。细节理解题。由第一段末的Oliver accidentally left his phone at home可知。
26. C。词义猜测题。由第二段中的fill him with unease and fear. But he's not alone in this feeling — the stress and separation anxietyof going phone-free可知,划线词指“无手机恐惧症”。
27. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的The answer may be at your fingertips ... I'll check any informationI get可推断,如今的学生仍然花很多时间做家庭作业主要是因为他们常被手机干扰。
28. B。推理判断题。由第四段开头的A “little break” may sound harmless, but more ishappening during that break than you think及末尾的it takes your brain up to 30 minutes to regain focus — if it ever gets focus back at all可推断,查看手机信息虽然看似短暂的休息,实际上会使人长时间不能集中注意力,因此危害很大。
29. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的Infants and toddlers of Hispanic mothers were more likely to drinkcoffee than those of non-Hispanic mothers可知。
30. B。推理判断题。最后一段提到咖啡因会导致消沉、睡眠问题及肥胖,据此可推断,婴幼儿应该远离咖啡。
31. C。写作目的题。第一段中的about one in seven 2-year-olds in Boston drinks the caffeinatedbeverage, a new study finds反映了文章的主题。再结合下文可知,本文的主要目的在于报道一项关于婴幼儿喝咖啡的研究。
32. B。细节理解题。由第三段末的Sheldon loves playing chase with Dolly及第四段开头的He'll chase after her, she runs away and they do this for hours onend可知。
33. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的One YouTube viewer expressed admiration for the tortoise's speed可知,这位YouTube用户在观看视频后很惊讶Sheldon作为一只乌龟竟然能爬得那么快。
34. A。推理判断题。由第二段中的both adopted from the Humane Society of North Texas in Forth Worthby an animal doctor及最后一段中的The humane society handles 25,000 animals of all sizes and typesevery year, including ... 可推断,该保护动物协会为动物提供关怀和照料。
35. B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲一只乌龟和一只狗友好相处、玩追逐游戏的故事。故B项恰当。
36. G。G项与下文的We wantedto answer two questions及What was causing it and what could we do to prevent furtherdegradation相呼应。
37. C。C项与上文的Thewetter weather allows tiny living things called microbes to grow是递进关系,解释为什么湿度增大会导致木乃伊腐烂。
38. A。A项与上文的After 21days in the extra humid environment, both the pig skin and the mummy skin beganto break down相呼应,解释了两种皮在潮湿的空气中会分解的原因。
39. F。F项与上文的TheAtacama Desert is one of the driest places on Earth相呼应。
40. E。E项与上文的otherproblems及下文的Is climatechange making important objects easier to be harmed? The answer is yes相呼应。
41. C。通读第一段可知本段强调真人秀很流行,因此这里应是说:你的朋友和同事都“谈论(talk about)”真人秀。
42. D。空白处指上文的reality television,故选shows。下文的Why arethese shows so ... 也是提示。
43. A。上段讲真人秀很流行,因此这里应该是问:这种节目为什么会如此“流行(popular)”?
44. B。由第三段中的reality television watchers are not less intelligent thannon-watchers可知。
45. B。“他们想知道什么人喜欢以及为什么喜欢看真人秀”与“他们展开了一项科学研究”之间是因果关系,故选so。
46. D。对比本空后的内容和第二段人们的看法可知,研究的结果和人们所想的截然不同,故应选surprising。
47. C。心理学家们“发现(discovered)”看真人秀的人并不比不看的人笨。
48. D。两项研究结果之间是并列关系,故选also。
49. D。由第二段中的to be part of the “in” crowd及下文的they do not watch these programsjust to talk about them with their friends可推断,此处是说观看真人秀的人并不比不看的人更“爱交际(social)”。
50. B。上文讲研究结果否定了人们的两种看法;下文讲研究确实发现了观看真人秀的人和不看的人的不同点。故选However。
51. A。上文的people who watch reality television were more competitive thanpeople who don't watch it是两种人的不同之处,故此处应选difference。
52. C。由下文的Prestige is important to me可推断,把观看真人秀的人和不看的人区别开的一个方面在于如何看待社会地位的“重要性(importance)”。
53. A。由最后一段中的The ... of reality television is that ordinary people can become soimportant可推断,“喜欢(enjoy)”看真人秀的人普遍认为名望很重要。
54. D。由上文的Prestige is important to me及下文的to get attention可推断,喜欢看真人秀的人对名牌服装“感兴趣(interested in)”。
55. C。由上文的social status可知。
56. D。由下文的become celebrities可推断,通过观看真人秀,人们可以梦想自己变得“有名(famous)”。
57. D。真人秀给人的“启示(message)”是普通人也可以变得重要。
58. B。由上文的Ordinary people watch other ordinary people可知。
59. A。60. C。很多真人秀“观众(viewers)”的不为人知的“梦想(dream)”就是他们可能成为下一拨名人。
61. have been thinking。考查现在完成进行时。由over the weeks可知,think所表示的动作开始于过去且一直持续到现在,故填have beenthinking。
62. a。考查不定冠词。at a loss意为“困惑”。
63. Using。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。I与use之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且use所表示的动作与谓语动作work同时发生,故填Using。
64. that / which。考查定语从句。设空处引导定语从句修饰company,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
65. whether / if。考查连接词。设空处所在分句意为“我想知道是否应该选择物理”,故填whether/ if。
66. for。考查介词。develop a taste for是习惯搭配,意为“喜欢上”。
67. Trained。考查过去分词作状语的用法。train与she之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填Trained。
68. more。考查副词的比较级。此处是在比较更喜欢化学还是物理,故填much的比较级more。
69. decision。考查名词。设空处在句中作make的宾语,故填decision。
70. firmly。考查副词。设空处修饰动词believe,且意为“坚定地”,故填firmly。


I. 1-5 ACCAD
11-15 BABBA 16-20 CBCDA
1. A。推理判断题。联系全文可知,第一段起到了引出文章主题的作用。
2. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的there were 19,447 speed-related crashes involving teen drivers, withspeeding as a cause of deadly teen crashes rising from 30% to 33%可知,该报告表明,超速行驶已经成为了一个更为严重的问题。
3. C。细节理解题。由倒数第三段可知,关于驾驶时注意力不集中的辩论把公众的注意力从超速行驶问题上吸引走了。
4. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Speeding is so deep-rooted in American culture和but 47% had done it in the pastmonth可知,超速行驶现象在美国普遍存在。
5. D。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Parents should not purchase vehicles for their teenagers right away可知,Susan Ferguson建议父母们延缓为孩子买车。
1. A。由上段的on most Monday mornings及下文的You might have done quite a bit ... and now it's time to start allover可推断,此处是说:“周末(weekend)”去哪儿了?
2. C。由第一段可知,很多人觉得周末时光太短暂,害怕周一的到来。据此可推断,人们在周末“从未(never)”获得所需要的休息和放松。
3. B。由上文的but ... to getting the rest and relaxation you need and now it'stime to start all over及下文的but can't shut off your mind to get to sleep early可推断,人们在周日晚上会感到“疲惫(tired)”。
4. D。第一段提到人们害怕周一早上的到来,据此可推断,人们在周日晚上就知道自己第二天早上闹钟响起时会感到多么“糟糕(awful)”。
5. A。由第一段中的on most Monday mornings ... 可推断,此处应是说:你该如何应对“星期一(Monday)”忧郁症呢?
6. B。由下文的you feel pressured to make the most of it可推断,“为周末而活”的心态会使你为周末设定“不合理的(unreasonable)”预期。
7. C。你会为充分利用周末而有压力,“而不是(Instead of)”享受空闲时光。
8. C。本文主要讲星期一忧郁症,故此处应是说:你会为周一重返工作岗位感到“焦虑(anxious)”。
9. D。由下文的so that you can be more efficient可推断,要“管理(Manage)”自己工作日的时间。
10. D。由上文的be more efficient可推断,要“考虑(consider)”成批查看和回复电子邮件。
11. B。要提高工作效率就不能一天中“频繁地(frequently)”查看和回复电子邮件。
12. A。成批查看和回复电子邮件可以减少“中断(interruptions)”,从而集中精力于手头的工作。
13. B。由下文的You can't recharge your batteries ... you're always using them可推断,周末要安排足够的时间“放松(relax)”。
14. B。“如果(if)”你一直使用电池,你就不能给电池充电。
15. A。要放松身心就可能意味着“取消(canceling)”一些活动。
16. C。由上文的household chores可推断,应选cleaning。
17. B。由上文的don't stay up late可推断,此处是说不要太晚睡觉。故选bed。
18. C。19. D。由上文的more timeis spent at work than anywhere else可推断,找到合适的方法“享受(enjoy)”工作日“必定(certainly)”值得你的努力。
20. A。努力享受工作日,这样就不会在下一个周日下午“害怕(fearing)”第二天的到来。