my first...英语作文 my first ...比如说 游泳 骑自行车 烧菜等等 60字左右



    介绍主题:"my first...",即你人生中的第一次经历或事件。






My First Solo Travel Experience

My first solo travel experience took place during the summer of my freshman year in college. It was an exhilarating adventure to a foreign country, where I explored new cultures, interacted with locals, and navigated unfamiliar streets on my own. This experience was significant because it taught me independence, self-reliance, and the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness throughout the journey, but it ultimately broadened my horizons and instilled in me a sense of wanderlust.




    Solo - 单独的

    Travel - 旅行

    Experience - 经历

    Adventure - 冒险

    Explore - 探索

    Culture - 文化

    Navigate - 导航

    Independence - 独立

    Self-reliance - 自力更生

    Comfort zone - 舒适区


My First Job Interview

I still remember my first job interview vividly. It happened right after I graduated from university. The interview took place in a corporate office, and I was nervous yet eager to make a good impression. This experience was important because it marked my transition from academia to the professional world. It taught me the value of preparation, self-confidence, and effective communication. Despite feeling a bit anxious, I managed to showcase my skills and enthusiasm. This first job interview paved the way for my career journey and ignited my ambition to succeed.




    Job - 工作

    Interview - 面试

    Graduation - 毕业

    Nervous - 紧张的

    Impression - 印象

    Transition - 过渡

    Preparation - 准备

    Confidence - 自信

    Communication - 沟通

    Ambition - 雄心


My First Public Speaking Engagement

My first public speaking engagement was a nerve-wracking yet rewarding experience. It occurred during a school assembly when I was chosen to deliver a speech on an important social issue. Standing in front of a large audience, I felt a mix of fear and excitement. This experience was significant because it pushed me to overcome my stage fright and develop my public speaking skills. It taught me the power of effective communication and the ability to influence others through words. Despite the initial jitters, I received positive feedback and gained confidence in my ability to express myself publicly.




    Public speaking - 公开演讲

    Engagement - 参与

    Nervous - 紧张的

    Rewarding - 有回报的

    Fear - 恐惧

    Overcome - 克服

    Influence - 影响

    Feedback - 反馈

    Confidence - 自信

    Communication - 沟通

第1个回答  2022-06-13
my first swim
hello every one my name is jill .there are many for the first time in our life,first wash the dishes,for example,flying kites for the first time Today I want to say is the first time to swim.
I love swimming in the mom take me for this summer swimming class .I listen to the teacher carefully swimming skill,swam over and over again,in the fifth day,I learned how to swim.I am very happy .
This is my first time to learn swim.I experienced pleasure for the first time to swim.