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In my opinion, there are many teachers are worthy of my respect, but the most worthy of my respect is our old school teacher -- Miss Liu, she, of medium build, short hair, a smartly dressed. The write full vicissitudes of the face is covered with wrinkles all overworked, high nose bridge on a pair of thick and heavy myopic eyes, is her a pair of kind eyes not in sending us a strong and confident, give me unlimited power!
I remember once, I took part in the school sports meeting: ring. I stood at the starting line, tension in the heart of " Dong Dong " jump straight, frightened look around, suddenly, I saw the teacher 's hopeful eyes at me, slowly, I am not nervous.
"Bang "! The gun fired, competition was intense! I still very smooth roll up, but later, ring went out of control, like a drunk driver driving car, crooked, I suddenly tense up, thought ". When I saw the teacher eyes again, as if to say to me: don't be nervous, don't lose heart, you have the courage to participate in, I believe, you will have the courage to get good rankings! Slowly, I refrained. Calm down, the rectification of myself, I said to myself: Yeah, get good rankings, so as not to live up to the expectations of my teachers, the class expectations!
Although I try, but I just got third, after the game, I tearfully says to the teacher: " teacher, all blame me, not to win glory for the class. " Liu teacher smiled and patted me on the shoulder, eyes releases the gentle light, as if to say: child, took part in the victory! Ah! The eyes only mother only!
You encouraged me, also very concerned about my. At that time, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, you put your coat on my body, then all winter, the wind was blowing, but you betray me trot all the way to the hospital. Your cold shivering, but did not utter a complaint ... ....
Liu teacher ah, you pay so much for us, but they never asked to return, you all give us. You like a candle, burn yourself, lit up the others; you like chalk, with himself, offers knowledge; you like the spring silkworm. The expense of their own, decorated with others; you like the gardener, hard, cultivate a garden full of flowers! ....
You, is so ordinary but great. I will never forget you, my dear teacher, you are the noble and selfless dedication is an example I will learn! Here, I sincerely duinin Shui: " teacher, you have worked hard! Thank you very much. Tomorrow, is your holiday, the students wish your festival happiness, good luck in everything, and the sky!!! "
记得有一次,我参加了学校的运动会:铁环。我站在起跑线 上,紧张的心“咚咚咚”直跳,害怕的东张西望,突然,我看到了老师那双充满希望的眼睛向我投来,渐渐地,我不紧张了。
“砰”!枪打响了,比赛场面激烈!我开始还很顺利 地滚了起来,但到后来,铁环开始不听使唤了,像喝醉了酒的司机驾的车,歪歪扭扭的,我一下子紧张了起来,心想“完蛋了。当我再次看到老师那双眼睛时,仿佛在对我说:别紧张,别泄气,你有勇气参加,我相信,你也有勇气拿到好的名次!慢慢的,我克制自己的心情平静下来,整顿好自己,我对自己说:冲啊,拿到好名次,这样才不会辜负老师对我的期望,对班级的期望!
虽然我努力了,但我只拿到了第三名,赛后,我眼泪汪汪地对老师说:“刘老师,都怨我,没为班级争光。”刘老师笑着拍拍 我的肩膀,眼睛里释放出温和的光芒,好像在说:孩子,参加了就是胜利!啊!这目光只有慈母才有啊!
您不但鼓励我,还非常关心我。那一次,我肚子有点儿不舒服 ,您把您的外衣披在我身上,那时都冬天了,寒风呼呼地吹过,但您却背着我一路小跑到医院。您冷的瑟瑟发抖,却没有一声怨言.......
第1个回答  2013-02-02
My favorite teacher was Mrs. XXX, my English teacher.
I consider her my favorite teacher, because she had motivation, enthusiasm and confidence in teaching, and she made learning fun.
Mrs.XXX motivation in teaching helped me to enjoy and do well in her
class. Furthermore her enthusiasm and confidence in doing what she loved made her
class easy to understand. I believe that an important issue when it comes to teaching
is to make learning fun, and that was what Mrs. XXX did with her students. For
example she made literature exciting by making her class act, worked in groups, and if
it was a Shakespeare play that had a dance scene she made her students recreate a dance
in the classroom.
Mrs.XXX is my favorite teacher, she motivate me to learn and taught me how
love and enjoy literature。
文中的SHE 是女她,也就是说 老师必须是女性。
2, 我用的MRS , 就是代表结过婚的女人。 所以未结婚的女人提问者你需要改成MISS

我最爱的老师是 MRS XXX, 我的英文老师
我选她作为我最爱的老师是因为她教课的时候有动力,激情,并且自信,并且, 她让学习变得有趣。

MRS XXX 让我很享受在她的班级里上课,并且让我保持了一个良好的成绩。 还有的是她的热情与自信让她在她很喜欢的教授过程中使我们更容易了解课程。我相信在教授过程中 很重要的一件事就是让学习变得有趣,MRS XXX就是这样做的。 举个例子, MRS XXX 为了让课堂编的有趣,她让学生们分成组表演,如果有一章是带有舞蹈的莎士比亚的戏剧,她就会让学生们在教室里重新编排舞蹈。
MRS XXX 是我最喜欢的老师。 她激发了我想学习的积极性, 并教导了我怎样去热爱并且享受课堂。

大意就是这个。 你可以随自己删减。
想去掉莎士比亚那部分,从 举个例子开始。
For example she made literature exciting by making her class act, worked in groups, and if
it was a Shakespeare play that had a dance scene she made her students recreate a dance
in the classroom.

还有我中文水平一般, 大意差不多, 你自己去美化语言好了。
第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
I like my math teacher Miss. Long best, Miss. Long is tall and thin. She has black long hair and there is a pair of glasses on her bright eyes,which makes she look strict.

She usually strict with us and care for our growth.She has a good command of Chinese. Once we make mistakes, she immediately give us the correct. Although Miss gao is busy with her work, but she is very concerned about our health.She always let us go out to breathe the
fresh air and play with each other .Her strict influences me and encourage me a lot.

No poems and songs to express our heartfelt gratitude to you;No formula can be used to calculate your devotion


第3个回答  2013-02-01
My favorite teacher is Mr Wang .He is very funny,but a little strict .He always tell us many interesting things . So we can know many things .He aways tell us we should be honest .being honest is the most important things for us .and He always give us good ideas for studying .It was really useful.He helps us a lot .We all love him very much .now we will leave school ,and we may not meet again .But I bealive we can miss him forever!
