

When Henry was a young boy in school, he learned a lesson in self confidence which he never forgot.
He was called upon to recite in front of the class. He had hardly begun when the teacher interrupted with an empathic “No!” He started over and again the teacher thundered, “No!” Humiliated, Henry sat down.
The next boy rose to recite and had just begun when the teacher shouted, “No!” This student, however, kept on with the recitation until he completed it. As he sat down, the teacher replied, “Very good!”
Henry was irritated. ”I recited just as he did,” he complained to the teacher.
But the instructor replied, “It is not enough to know your lesson, you must be sure. When you allowed me to stop you, it meant that you were uncertain. If the world says, ‘No!’ it is your business to say, ‘Yes!’ and prove it.

Henry很生气。他向老师埋怨道 "我刚才也像他一样朗读啊!"
老师于是告诉他,“你要知道,只是明白课堂是不够的,你还要很确定你所学的。当你允许我打岔你的时候,那证明了你还是有所怀疑。当世界都说“No”的时候,是你的责任说声“Yes!” 和证明它!

第1个回答  2013-04-13
霍金的故事 科学家霍金小时候的学习能力似乎并不强,他很晚才学会阅读,上学后在班级里的成绩从来没有进过前10名,而 且因为作业总是“很不整洁”,老师们觉得他已经“无可救药”了,同学们也把他当成了嘲弄的对象。在霍金12岁时,他班上有两个男孩子用一袋糖果打赌,说他 永远不能成材,同学们还带有讽刺意味地给他起了个外号叫“爱因斯坦”。谁知,20多年后,当年毫不出众的小男孩真的成了物理界一位大师级人物。这究竟是什 么原因呢? 原来,随着年龄渐长,小霍金对万事万物如何运行开始感兴趣起来,他经常把东西拆散以追根究底,但在把它们恢复组装回去时,他 却束手无策,不过,他的父母并没有因此而责罚他,他的父亲甚至给他担任起数学和物理学“教练”。在十三四岁时,霍金发现自己对物理学方面的研究非常有兴 趣,虽然中学物理学太容易太浅显,显得特别枯燥,但他认为这是最基础的科学,有望解决人们从何处来和为何在这里的问题。从此,霍金开始了真正的科学探索。
The story of Hocking scientist Hocking childhood learning ability does not seem to be strong, he is late to learn to read, after school in the class results have never been in the top 10, but also because the work is always "is very untidy", the teachers felt that he had "past hope", students also regard him as the an object of ridicule. When Hocking was 12, he has two boys in the class with a bag of candy bet, said he never finished, the students also irony with gave him the nickname "Einstein". Who knows, 20 years later, when not outstanding boy really into physics master at. Is this why? The original, as they grow older, little Hocking on how to run everything began to be interested in something, he often put up to it, but in their recovery assembly back, he can be at a loss what to do, however, his parents did not punish him, his father gave him even as the coach in mathematics and physics "". In their early teens, Hocking found himself to physics research is very interested in, although the middle school physics too easy too easy, particularly boring, but he thinks this is the most basic science, is expected to solve the people where it comes from and why the problem here. Since then, Hocking began to real scientific exploration.