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请帮忙翻译这段话。 人工翻译,不要机器翻译。 哪位老师翻译的好,会酌情加分以示感谢。
The authors should note that previous reports of AAA as an aid to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease have been limited largely to studies of normals and patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. They correctly state that we have little to no information on the level of AAA in MCI, and thus little indication of whether or not this is an early marker. The other important information missing from this review is the specificity of AAA for Alzheimer's disease compared to other causes of dementia. Anecdotal information, widely discussed some years ago, suggested that AAA was elevated whenever there was organic brain damage, regardless of the cause. This was certainly true of CSF measurements, where elevated AAA accompanied stroke, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's Disease and CJD. The urinary test was marketed with this data in mind, and it was said that a normal level of AAA was able TO RULE OUT Alzheimer's disease - and indeed it did. In the absence of brain injury or degeneration, the level was normal, but there was absolutely no specificity for Alzheimer's disease in comparison to other causes of dementia. This caveat needs to appear in this review, to prevent researchers who don't know the history of this marker from pursuing a dead end.


The authors should note that previous reports of AAA as an aid to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease have been limited largely to studies of normals and patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
They correctly state that we have little to no information on the level of AAA in MCI, and thus little indication of whether or not this is an early marker.
报告正确地指出,我们对MCI (轻度认知障碍)中的AAA水平知之甚少甚至全然不知,因此也难以表明这是否是一种早期标记。
The other important information missing from this review is the specificity of AAA for Alzheimer's disease compared to other causes of dementia.
Anecdotal information, widely discussed some years ago, suggested that AAA was elevated whenever there was organic brain damage, regardless of the cause.
This was certainly true of CSF measurements, where elevated AAA accompanied stroke, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and CJD. The urinary test was marketed with this data in mind, and it was said that a normal level of AAA was able TO RULE OUT Alzheimer's disease - and indeed it did.
这对CSF (脑脊液)测量来说肯定是真的,其中AAA升高会伴有中风,帕金森氏病,亨廷顿氏病和克雅氏病【注:我觉得CJD[=Creutzfeldt-JakobDisease]是克雅(氏)病:皮层-基底节-脊髓变性症候群;而疯牛病是Bovine Sponglform Encephalopathy(BSE)】。尿测试将这个数据标注于心【注:我觉得marketed应该是marked,请确认】,而且,据说正常水平的AAA可以排除阿尔茨海默病---而事实也的确如此。
In the absence of brain injury or degeneration, the level was normal, but there was absolutely no specificity for Alzheimer's disease in comparison to other causes of dementia.
This caveat needs to appear in this review, to prevent researchers who don't know the history of this marker from pursuing a dead end.
第1个回答  2013-05-08
你这是不是发文章审稿人给的回复? 大概看懂了 我先给你翻译 再用中文思维给你解释

作者需要注意到过去的报告中AAA曾作为阿兹海默症的一个诊断因子。而目前在研究常人和已被检测出的阿兹海默症病人中发现该AAA因子应用大大受限。 他们(我不知道这里的他们指的谁)正确的表明过 我们几乎没有关于MCI AAA浓度水平的信息, 所以无法肯定它是不是一个早期诊断的marker(就是诊断依据).在这份review中另一个丢失的重要信息是阿兹海默症AAA相比其他痴呆症的特异性(specificity)。在过去几年里广泛被讨论的不管是什么原因照成的有机脑损伤都会照成AAA水平提高。这个已经在 CJD Parkinson's disease and Huntington's Disease 中得到证实。 以往的尿液检查结果中正常的AAA水平可以排除阿兹海默症的可能, 的确是这样。当然这是在没有其他脑损伤或脑退化的前提下。但是和其他的痴呆症相比 AAA浓度水平对阿兹海默症诊断没有特异性。这个警告性说明应该在review中说明,为了防止不懂该病症历史的学者们走进死胡同。

总结的来说就是 AAA 作为 Alzheimer's disease 的诊断依据 它的 specificity 不够 也就是说 任何的有机脑损伤都会照成 AAA 浓度上升 而仅通过AAA浓度来确诊是行不通的 他的特异性不够。