
用You need————————来写

1.you need to have a rest and drink lots of hot water.
2.You need to take medicine
3.You need to lie down
4.You need a quiet environment
5.You need to have a relaxed mood
6.You need to pay attention to keep warm
7.You need to pay attention to indoor ventilation
8.You need to outside for a walk
第1个回答  2013-04-19
感冒&发烧:you need drink lots of water.
you need have a rest .
you need drink some hot tea with honey.
肚子痛: you needn't eat anything.
you need lie down and rest.
头痛: you need go to bed.
最后来一句总的:you need take medicine.追问

你的才七个,而且you need take medicine.应该是You need take some medicine.每个句子首位字母都没有大写
