
[摘要] 作为一部中国末期封建社会的百科全书,《红楼梦》是中国古代礼文化的载体之一,对当时社会的礼仪有大量的描述,礼文化在这部小说中可以说渗透到各个方面。幅员辽阔的中国,有史以来丧葬习俗千奇百怪。《红楼梦》中描写的丧葬礼仪全面地反映了清代的社会风貌,深刻的揭露了当时复杂的社会矛盾及其本质。《红楼梦》上演的不仅是一场悲剧,也是一出礼仪大戏。通过探寻《红楼梦》中展现的礼仪,有利于从现代文化的视角来看中国传统文化,取其精华,去其糟粕。[关键词]红楼梦 礼文化 丧葬礼仪 传统文化

第1个回答  2013-04-19
[Abstract] as a Chinese Encyclopedia of the late feudal society, "a dream of Red Mansions" is a carrier of Chinese ancient ritual culture, there are a lot of descriptions of social etiquette, etiquette culture can be said to permeate all aspects in this novel. China's vast territory, the history of funeral customs all sorts of strange things. "A dream of Red Mansions" in the description of the funeral etiquette comprehensively reflect the Qing Dynasty social style, profound revelations of the social contradiction was complex and its essence. "A dream of Red Mansions" stage is not only a tragedy, is also a ritual drama. Through the analysis of "a dream of Red Mansions" etiquette to show in favor of modern culture, from the perspective of Chinese traditional culture, takes its essence, goes to its dregs. [keyword] a dream of Red Mansions cultural ceremony funeral etiquette culture
第2个回答  2013-04-19
[Abstract] as an Encyclopediaof the late feudal society in China, "A Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the media of Chinese ancient ritual culture. There are a lot of descriptions in the novel about the social etiquettes at that time which demonstrates that the etiquette culture have infiltrated into various aspects of this novel. In China's vast territory, there are all sorts of strange funeral customs in history. The funeral rites described in the novel give a full reflection of the social style in the Qing Dynasty and uncovered the essences of deepand complex social contradictions. "A dream of Red Mansions" gives play not merely to a tragedy, but also to large-scale etiquettes. By exploring the etiquettes shown in "A Dream of Red Mansions", it helps in looking on the traditional Chinese culture from the perspective of the modern culture, so as to assimilate the essence and reject the dross.
[Keyword]: “A Dream of Red Mansions”, the ritual culture, funeral etiquette, traditional culture.追问

这个怎么翻译啊~~ 谢谢!!!~~~忘了复制了


刍为谦辞,刍议:浅陋的议论 = my meager opinion
A Brief Discussion on the Funeral Etiquettes in "A Dream of Red Mansions"
