我好像在哪里见过你 英语翻译

1 我好像在哪里见过你,你是本地人吗?/ 你是外地人吗?

2 我以前应该是见过那个女孩的,只是不记得她的名字了。

3 你看起来很面熟啊?我想不起来在哪里见过你了。

4 我和她不熟悉,我是第一次见她。

5 我们刚刚认识,正在互相了解中。

谢谢各位帮忙,【 我以前应该是见过那个女孩的。】 我查了下。

might have done 也是可以的吧。表示过去有可能发生过的事情。

could have done 怎样?有过去推测的意思么?

第1个回答  2013-04-19
1. I seem to have met you before, are you local / are you from out of town?
2. I should have seen that girl before, it's just that I couldn't remember her name.
3. You look familiar, I can't recall where I might have met you.
4. I am not familiar with her, this is the first time I've seen her.
5. We just met and we are trying to get to know each other.追问

谢谢您帮忙。第二句 should have seen. should have done 是表示,应该做的,但是没有做。

这里可以表示 不确定么 是否见过那个女孩是吧。谢谢

后面 couldn't remember....表示是过去不记得吧。。


could 作为情态动词,只是让语气更委婉,和时态无关。

should have seen, should have met 同样也是在表达中带着“应该但不确定”的语气,和虚拟句中的句式也无关。


might have 也常用,表达"可能应该有。。。“;
could have 没有过去推测的意思,如果有人这样说: I could have met her before 多半后面用 but 来转折语气,这样的意思是:我”本来有可能(机会)“ 见到她的,但是。。。“

第2个回答  2013-04-19
1.It seems that I have met you somewhere before,are you a native/forigner?
2. might have seen the girl before,just can't remember her name.
3.You look very familiar,but I can't remember where I have seen you before.
4.I'm not farmiliar with her,in that I meet her for the first time.
5.We have just met,and now is geting farmiliar with each other.
第3个回答  2013-04-19
1. I think I have seen you somewhere. Are you a native here?
2. I should have seen that girl before, just do not remember her name.
3. Your face looks familiar,but I don't remember where I have seen you.
4. I'm not familiar with her. This is the first time I see her.
5. We know right now and we are knowing each other.追问

谢谢帮忙。第二句 should have seen. should have done 是表示,应该做的,但是没有做。

这里可以表示 不确定么 是否见过那个女孩是吧。谢谢


嗯 可以表示不确定的意思的

第4个回答  2013-04-19
I seem to have seen you, where are you a native here?/ are you a foreigner?2 I should be met the girl before, just don't remember her name.You look very familiar?I can't remember where I met you.4 she and I are not familiar with, is the first time I see her.We had just met, is to know each other.
第5个回答  2013-04-19
It seems that I have met you somewhere. Are you a native here?、Are you a stranger here?