

the Disaster's began on 5.12 in China ,
I thought that are terrifying things
As a Chinese ,
We should help the displaced person ,
Although a person's lack of power ,
We can't change the ture ,
But we can send our love to them ,
The world will have more love ,
Let us send our love together ,
To help them to spend the ‘Black Day' !


An 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck China on 12 May, 2008. I think that was a terrifying cataclysm. As Chinese, We should help those survivors. Although one person just has a little power and no one can change the truth, we also can present our love to those survivors. If we did that, the world would have more love. Let's present our love to help them to through the "Dark days"!
第1个回答  2008-05-20
The Disaster began on May 12nd in China .
I thought that is a terrifying thing .
As a Chinese,one should help the persons who suffered from the disaster .
A person's strength is limited ,we can't change the truth.
But we can send our love to them .
The world will have more love ,
Let us get our love together to help them to survive the ‘Black Day' !
第2个回答  2008-05-20
Disaster came on may 12 in China ,
I thought that is a terrified thing
As a person of china ,
We should help the displaced person ,
a person's lack of strength ,
and We couldn't change the reality yet,
But if we can send our love to them ,
and more love The world will have ,
Let us join hands in sending our love
To help them to get through the ‘Black Day' !
第3个回答  2008-05-20
The disaster hit on May 12th. I thought it was a horrible incident. As Chinese people, we should helped all the unfortunate. Our power as individuals might not be significant enough to change a lot of things, but we can send them our love. The world should be a place full of love. Let's give them our love and compassion to help them get through this difficult time.
第4个回答  2008-05-21
也许是我的英语学得不大好,对于gavin69yu把though当动词用表示质疑.我貌似从来没有见过这种用法,查阅了很多词典(包括柯林斯语料库) 也没有见到!

An level 5.12 earthquake struck China. 这句也不通,正确是应当是A 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck China on 12 May,2008.