

水果Party 一、设计意图:兴趣是学习英语的原动力,又是发展思维表达语言的最佳催化剂,教学活动有趣才能吸引幼儿的注意力,提高教学效果,这就要求我们教师根据新纲要能动地,创造性的对教材内容进行加工,处理,从幼儿的个性实际出发,因材施教,充分运用多种形式组织英语教学活动,使幼儿兴趣盎然,乐于学习。根据小班幼儿的年龄段,在接受新的教学内容时比较慢,针对这一情况,我设计了幼儿比较熟悉的英语单词作为活动的主要内容,帮助幼儿对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,并体验在学中玩,玩中还可以吃的乐趣。 二、活动目标:1.通过在游戏中复习巩固学过的单词,如:apple、pear、 orangebanana、peach、strawberry 2.初步运用“what’ s this?” “It’ s a\an……”的句型。3.幼儿通过游戏更加了解已学的水果单词,并大声的读出来。 三、活动准备:1.苹果、梨子、橘子、香蕉、等水果的实物。2.图片若干,蛋糕一个,魔术棒一根。3.磁带。 四、活动过程: 1.老师以魔术师的身份边出示蛋糕边唱生日歌来激发幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。 “Happy Brithday to you……” 大家好,我是魔术师,今天是我的生日,我带来了很多很多好吃的东西送给大家,请大家跟我一起过生日,好吗? 2.出示魔术棒,玩变魔术游戏,反复巩固学过的水果单词。 “小朋友们这是一根魔术棒,这跟魔术棒可厉害啦,今天我们就用这根魔术棒变出好吃的东西,现在请小朋友们跟魔术师一起来变、变、变。” (1)变出苹果并提问: T: what’ s this? S: It’s an apple。 T: Read after me! apple apple It’s an apple. (2) 变出梨子并提问: T: what’ s this? S: It’s a pear。 T: Read after me! pear pear It’s a pear. (3)变出橘子并提问: T: what’ s this?S: It’s an orange。 T: Read after me! orange orange It’s an orange。 (4)变出香蕉并提问: T: what’ s this?S: It’s a banana。 T: Read after me! banana banana It’s a banana。 (5)变出桃子并提问: T: what’ s this?S: It’s a peach。 T: Read after me! peach peach It’s a peach。 (6)变出草莓并提问: T: what’ s this?S: It’s an strawberry T:Read after me! strawberry strawberry It’s an strawberry。 大班英语教案
T:Children let’s sing a song ,OK?
<Good morning>
S:Good morning Miss!
T:Follow me cry stop ! Follow me laugh stop ! Follow me eat stop !
Follow me stand up ! Follow me sit down !幼儿跟老师做
T:Children, look ,what’s this ? S:A
T:Yes! Very good!Follow me A A ae ae ae
S:A A ae ae ae
T: A A ae ae ae ant
S: A A ae ae ae ant
T: A A ae ae ae cat
S: A A ae ae ae cat
T: A A ae ae ae hat
S: A A ae ae ae hat 教师教幼儿认读单词
T:Oh!What is missing ?
T:Yes !Oh!where is the apple?苹果在哪里啊?
T:Yes!Very good!Look!apple is here !OK!Follow me apple.
T:Who’s eat the apple ?
T:Apple apple in a cat!
S: Apple apple in a cat!
T:Where’s the ant!
T:Very good!Ant ant in a hat
S: Ant ant in a hat
T:Follow me ! Ant ant in a hat! Apple apple in a cat!
S: Ant ant in a hat! Apple apple in a cat! 教师引导幼儿读句子
T:Children do you want to play?
S:Yes !
T:OK!Listen to me . When I say touch the cat ,you must touch
T:Who can try?
S:Let me try! 教师引导幼儿玩游戏
T:Today we learn “apple” “ant” “cat” “hat” Let’s say again!
S: “apple” “ant” “cat” “hat”
T:Very good!
S:Very very good !Very very cool! Oh oh super!
第1个回答  2013-04-15
单词:mouse eagle egg.
故事:one day,a mouse wants to steal an eagle's egg.the eagle says:"don't touch my eggs."the mouse says:"heihei,you can't catch me, i can run.you can't catch me, i can climb.you can't catch me, i can swim".the eagle says"i can't swim,but i can catch you.you can run,you can climb, you can swim, but you can't fly!"
第2个回答  2013-04-15