用英语的八个时态造句 规则: 每个时态造一个句子,然后变为否定形式,再变为一般疑问句!! 急急急急急

请网友 积极解答 谢谢!!! 感激!!!

she likes apples. she doesnt like apples. does she like apples?
i am watching tv. i am not watching tv. are you watching tv?
he did homework last night. he didnt do homework last night. did he do homework last night?
i will visit shanghai next week. i will not visit shanghai next week. will you visit shanghai next week?
i have had this book for two days. i havent have this book for two days. have you had that book for two days?
Tom was doing housework when i came in.
when i arrived at bus stop, the bus had gone.
she said she would come to see me next sunday.
时态分别为:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时。后面几个例句你自己做吧。 按照前面的方式变化一下也不难。给你得到帮助后请采纳我的回答!