英语课文翻译 急求 高分悬赏

2. Disappointment. It's the stuff bad dreams are made of: dreams of failure, inadequacy, loss of position and good repute. The essence of success is that there's never enough of it to go round in a zero-sum game where one person's winning must be offset by another's losing, one person's joy offset by another's disappointment. You've grown up in a society where winning is not the most important thing—it's the only thing. To lose, to fail, to go under, to go broke—these are deadly sins in a world where prosperity in the present is seen as a sure sign of salvation in the future. In a different society, your disappointment might be something you could shrug away. But not in ours.

9. Perspective. It is important to recognize that human beings, despite differences in class and educational labeling, are fundamentally hewn from the same material and knit together by common bonds of fear and joy, suffering and achievement. Warfare, sickness, disasters, public and private—these are the larger coordinates of life. To recognize them is to recognize that social labels are basically irrelevant and misleading. It is true that these labels are necessary in the functioning of a complex society as a way of letting us know who should be trusted to do what, with the result that we need to make distinctions on the basis of grades, degrees, rank, and responsibility. But these distinctions should never be taken seriously in human terms, either in the way we look at others or in the way we look at ourselves.

翻译这两段 不要机译 要纯正人工翻译
急求急求 请各位各位高手尽量在今天也就是六月二十四号提供翻译!拜托了!!


第1个回答  2008-06-24
2 令人失望的,它的东西坏的梦想是:梦想的失败,不足之处,损失的地位和良好的声誉。本质的成功是有没有足够的资讯科技去轮在一个零和博弈的地方一个人的获奖必须抵消了彼此的失去,一个人的喜悦,抵消了彼此的失望。您已经长大,在一个社会里,打赢是不是最重要的事-它是唯一的事。失去了,失败,去下,去突破,这些都是致命的捷联惯导系统在世界上的繁荣,在目前被视为是肯定的迹象,救国于未来。在一个不同的社会,你可能会失望的东西你可以耸耸肩离开。但不是在我们的。

9 透视,这是很重要的认识到,人类,尽管分歧,在课堂上和教育的标签,是从根本上hewn从相同的材料和编织在一起共同债券的恐惧和喜悦,痛苦与成就。战争,疾病,灾害,公立和私立,这些都是规模较大的坐标的生活方式。承认他们是认识到社会的标签,基本上是不相干的和误导之嫌。这是事实,这些标签是必要的,在运作一个复杂的社会的一种方式,让我们知道谁应该信任做什么,其结果是,我们有需要作出的区别在此基础上档次,程度,职级,责任。但这些区别绝不应认真考虑对于人类来说,无论是在我们看别人,或者在我们看自己.