

第1个回答  2013-08-13
one two three four five

six seven eight nine ten

eleven twelve

thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
thirty forty fifty sixty

seventeen eighteen nineteen

seventy eighty ninety twenty

first second third fourth

fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth
red (红色) yellow (黄色) green(绿色)
white(白色) blue(蓝色) black (黑色)
brown (棕色) pink (粉红色) purple(紫色)
apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨子)
peach(桃子) orange (橘子) watermelon(西瓜)
strawberry(草莓) grapes(葡萄) tamato(西红柿)

rice(米饭) egg (鸡蛋) chicken(鸡肉)
bread(面包) beef (牛肉) eggplant(茄子)
fish(鱼肉) green beans(青豆) tofu(豆腐)
potato(土豆) noodles(面条) cake (蛋糕)
hamburger(汉堡) French fries(炸薯条) soup(汤) cabbage(卷心菜) pork(猪肉) mutton (羊肉) carrot (胡萝卜) vegetable(蔬菜)
cucumber (黄瓜) onion(洋葱)

饮料: coke(可乐) milk(牛奶) tea(茶)
water(水) juice(果汁) coffee(咖啡)

修饰词: tasty(好吃的) salty(咸的) sour(酸的) fresh (新鲜的) healthy(有益健康的)

用具: spoon(勺子) plate(盘子) fork(叉子)
knife(小刀) chopsticks(筷子)
bus(公共汽车) car (小车) ship (轮船)
jeep(吉普车) bike(自行车) plane(飞机)
taxi (出租车) train(火车) subway(地铁)
kite(风筝) ball(球) doll (洋娃娃)
boat (小船) balloon(气球)
rabbit(兔子) horse (马) pig (猪)
duck (鸭子) cat(猫) dog(狗)
kangaroo(袋鼠) elephant(大象) lamb (小羊) monkey(猴子) panda(熊猫) goat(山羊) cow(奶牛) sheep(绵羊) deer (鹿子)
giraffe(长颈鹿) squirrel(松鼠) bird(小鸟) (6)身体:
eye(眼睛) nose(鼻子) mouth(嘴) ear(耳朵) arm(手臂) leg(腿) foot(脚) hand (手) face(脸) head(头) body(身体)finger(手指)
book(书) bag (书包) pencil (铅笔)
pen(钢笔) ruler(尺子)pencil-case(文具盒)
sharpener(卷笔刀) eraser(橡皮擦)crayon(蜡笔)story-book(故事书) Chinese book (语文书)
Math book (数学书) comic book (漫画书)
magizine(杂志) dictionary(字典)
post card (明信片) notebook(记事本)
classroom(教室) teacher’s office(教师办公室)
canteen (餐厅) library(图书馆) Gym (体育馆playground(操场) garden(花园)
art room (绘画教室) music room (音乐教室)
TV room (电视机房) computer room (计算机教室) washroom (卫生间)
door(门) window(窗户) desk(课桌)
chair(椅子) floor(地板,楼层) light(灯)
board(写字板) teacher’s desk (讲台)
Chinese (语文) English (英语) math (数学) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) science(科学) computer(计算机)
Grandfather(grandpa) (爷爷) grandmother(grandma) (奶奶) father(dad)(爸爸) mother(mom)(妈妈)brother (兄弟)
sister(姐妹) uncle(叔叔) aunt(阿姨)parents(父母)
study(书房) bedroom(卧室 bathroom(卫生间)living room(起居室)kitchen(厨房) bed(床)
shelf(书架) lamp(台灯) table(桌子)
TV (电视机) fridge(冰箱) picture(图画)
curtain(窗帘) mirror(镜子) closet(衣橱)
trash bin(垃圾桶) air-conditioner(空调)
end table(床头柜)
student(学生) teacher(教师) doctor(医生)
nurse(护士) driver(司机) farmer(农民)
baseball player(棒球运动员)
singer(歌唱家) writer(作家) actor(男演员)
actress(女演员) artist(画家)engineer(工程师)
accountant(会计) policeman(警察)
salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工)
TV reporter(电视台记者)
clothes(衣服) shirt(衬衫) skirt(短裙)
dress(连衣裙) T-shirt(T血衫) sweater(毛衣)
socks(袜子) pants(长裤) jacket(夹克衫)
shorts(短裤) jean(牛仔裤)
sandals(凉鞋) slippers (拖鞋)
sneakers(运动鞋) boots(靴子)
warm(暖和) hot (热的) cool (凉爽的)
cold(寒冷的) sunny (晴朗的) windy(有风的)
cloudy(多云的) snowy(下雪的) rainy(下雨的)
Spring(春天) Summer(夏天) Fall(秋天) Winter(冬天)
January(Jan.) February (Feb.) March(Mar.) April(Apr.)
May June July August(Aug.)
September(Sept.) Octorber(Oct.) November(Nov.)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
tall(高的) short(矮的) kind(和蔼可亲的)
strict(严格的) smart(聪明的) active(活跃的)
funny(滑稽可笑的) young(年轻的) old(年老的) strong(强壮的)thin(瘦的) pretty(漂亮的)
quiet(文静的) long hair(长头发)
short hair(短头发) big(大的) small(小的) long (长的) short(短的) colourful(五颜六色的)
cheap(便宜的) expensive(昂贵的)
post office(邮局) hospital(医院) bookstore(书店)
cinema(电影院) science museum(科技博物馆)
sky(天空) cloud(云) forest(森林) park(公园)zoo(动物园)flower(花) grass(草) lake(湖泊)mountain(山) path(小路)road(公路) bridge(桥)building(建筑物)house(房子) tree(树) sun(太阳)
village(村庄) city(城市) stream(小溪) seed(种子)
vapour(水蒸气) soil(土壤) plant(植物) north(北)
south(南) west(西) east (东)
swim(游泳) skate(滑冰) jump(跳) walk(走)
run(跑) fly(飞) sleep(睡觉) climb(攀爬)fight(打架) swing(荡秋千) dive(跳水)
sweep the floor(扫地) empty the trash(倒垃圾)
cook the meals(做饭) make the bed(整理床)
set the table(收拾餐桌) clean the bedroom(打扫卧室)
water the flowers(浇花) wash the clothes(洗衣服)
do the dishes(洗碗碟) put away the clothes(收拾衣服)
have breakfast(吃早餐) have lunch(吃午餐)
have dinner(吃晚餐) eat breakfast(吃早餐)
eat dinner(吃晚餐) eat lunch(吃午餐)
have English class(上英语课)
get up(起床) go to school(上学)
go home(回家) go to bed(上床睡觉)
do morning exercises(晨练)
play sports(做运动) climb mountains(爬山)
go shopping(购物) play the piano(弹钢琴)
go hiking(去远足) visit grandparents(拜访外祖父母)
fly kites(放风筝) make a snowman(堆雪人)
plant trees(种树) draw pictures(画画)
cook dinner(做饭) read a book (看书)
answer the phone(接电话) listen to music(听音乐)
clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信) write an e-mail (写电子邮件) write a report(写报告)
drink water(喝水) catch butterflies(捉蝴蝶) pick up leaves(采摘树叶) collect leaves(收集树叶)take pictures(照相) watch insects(观察昆虫)
do an experiment(做实验) have a picnic(野餐)
count insects(数昆虫) play chess(下棋)
take a trip(去旅游) read a magazine(读杂志)
go to the cinema(去看电影) ride a bike(骑自行车)
play the violin(拉小提琴) collect stamps(集邮) make kites(做风筝) go to work(上班)
watch TV (看电视) come from (来自)
next week(下周) this morning(今天早上)
this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今晚)
on the weekend(在周末) tomorrow(明天)




第2个回答  2013-08-16
我这有的, 但是已经只有纸张了, 得SCAN发给你呢