Michael Learns To Rock(麦克学摇滚)英文介绍(最好详细一点,2000词以上,出生时间有)


在世界流行乐坛中,北欧常常能为我们带来一些惊喜。而来自丹麦的Michael Learns To Rock(MLTR)就是其中之一,他们在九十年代风靡世界,带来抚动我们心弦的音乐——斯堪的纳维亚清新气息和经典流行音乐的完美结合。没有漂亮迷人的外表,没有铺天盖地的宣传,没有引人遐想的绯闻;这些制造巨星的前提条件或副产品,MLTR都没有,有的只是百听不厌的原创作品。MLTR的故事可以说是世界摇滚音乐的一个经典:四个酷爱摇滚的年轻人走到一起,成立乐队,和全球各地的乐迷分享他们的作品。

故事在1987年从他们的故乡Arhus开始。乐队的核心——JASCHA RICHTER(主音兼键盘手)和鼓手KARE WANSCHER、吉他手MIKKEL LENTZ组成了一个小组合,这就是MLTR的雏形。三人和摇滚乐的缘分从孩提时经已开始,所以他们决定以JASCHA创作的歌曲为基础,组建一支乐队,但原先的三人组合还不完全。1988年的春天,KARE的好友、吉他手SOREN MADSEN的加入使得MLTR正式成为现实,其音乐旅程由此开始。紧接着在88年5月,刚成立的这支乐队在Arhus举行的"Dansk Rock Grand Prix"上完成了他们的处子演出,并在夏季参加了当地知名的音乐比赛,令人信服地取得冠军。正是在这次比赛中,作为评委之一的JP Andersen发现了这四个年轻人身上特有的天赋,很快他就成为了MLTR的经理人,直到现在。

接下来的两年中,在他们的经理人的安排下,MLTR进行了大量的巡回演出,其范围覆盖了整个丹麦;在各种各样的俱乐部、音乐会中,他们吸取丰富的演出经验,也发展出一段紧密维系乐队的友谊。在此过程中,他们不断地以更新、更好的歌曲充实他们的表演曲目,为即将推出的专辑作好准备,同时他们在演奏、和音方面的默契也渐入佳境。在丹麦制作人Jens Hofman以及Oli Poulsen的协助下,MLTR在录音室中花费了几个月的时间,潜心制作他们的首张同名专辑《MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK》,并于1991年9月1日正式发行。1992年1月,该专辑成为丹麦的销量冠军,停留时间达5周之久。其中的单曲THE ACTOR在1992年1月成为丹麦电台流行榜的冠军,其后这首作品迅速登上挪威、瑞典、新加坡、马来西亚等国的流行榜首,并进入加拿大、德国等许多国家,使得MLTR以闪电般的速度成为一个家喻户晓的名字。

在这片MLTR的热潮中,他们再次在丹麦开始巡回演出,并访问了一些东南亚国家,进一步巩固在乐坛所取得的成绩。这段期间,JASCHA RICHTER也没有放松,着手为第二张专辑编写新曲。这张名为《COLOURS》的专辑于1993年10月发行,其范围覆盖了欧洲大部分地区及远东,再次获得巨大成功。单曲SLEEPING CHILD成为MLTR又一首席卷全球的作品。包括25 MINUTES和OUT OF THE BLUE在内的其他单曲都在各地流行榜占据极高位置,而专辑的全球销量超过了1百万张。在随后的18个月里,乐队的足迹遍布这个世界,所到之处无不受到乐迷的狂热欢迎。1994年是乐队成绩辉煌的一年。作为一个完美的总结,MLTR在年末获颁德国的权威音乐奖项RSH大奖,并在新加坡举行的东南亚格林美(SEA Grammy Award)颁奖礼上被评为“The Best Performing Act Of The Year”。

MLTR的第三张专辑《PLAYED ON PEPPER》在1995年发行,其范围进一步扩展到欧洲、南美、南非、中东,及东南亚的11个国家。当年10月乐队在东南亚10国举行25场巡回演唱会,受到皇室般的礼遇,并推出THAT'S WHY(YOU GO AWAY)和SOMEDAY等极受好评的单曲,其中THAT'S WHY(YOU GO AWAY)以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。

乐队广受欢迎的一个难以避免的负面影响就是大量盗版的出现,而在东南亚国家尤为猖獗。为了对付这个问题,MLTR特意在1996年向东南亚地区推出一张含金量极高的专辑——《PAINT MY LOVE》。这实际上是MLTR出道以来所得成绩的一次小结,其中包含前面所有专辑中最热门的单曲,并加入了同名单曲PAINT MY LOVE。尽管这首歌的MTV在许多国家都受到影视检查处的严格审查,它再次证明了乐队无与伦比的才华。最终专辑的销量达到了340万。1997年7月,作为主要表演嘉宾之一,MLTR参加了香港回归中国的庆祝音乐会。

在向乐迷推广《PAINT MY LOVE》的同时,MLTR第四张专辑的灌录工作也在密锣紧鼓地进行着。1997年9月,上一张专辑的热潮仍旧持续,《NOTHING TO LOSE》就已正式发行。包括NOTHING TO LOSE、SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW、MAGIC在内的多首单曲相继登上各国流行榜的冠军位置。这已是MLTR连续第三畔�抗�偻虻淖��恕?

九年的音乐历程,说长不长,说短不短。MLTR的四位成员也决定暂时放下工作,放下他们热爱的摇滚音乐。然而JASCHA早在1998年秋季就已准备好了几首新歌。于是乐队从中挑选出单曲STRANGE FOREIGH BEAUTY,为他们的精选专辑作为点缀。《GREATEST HITS》的名称恰如其分,因为它抽取了前四张专辑中的精髓,经过remix、重新灌录或编排等处理——从而汇集了MLTR九年以来的代表作品。这张1999年发行的精选专辑再次突破了百万销量,把MLTR的音乐带到世界更远的角落。

2000年春,当MLTR开始制作他们的第五张专辑时,SOREN MADSEN决定离开乐队,以作个人发展。虽然他的离开的确为MLTR带来相当冲击,乐队的其他三位成员RICHTER、LENTZ和WANSCHER决心继续这段旅程。该专辑的制作也在夏季重新开始。和以往一样,他们没有选择和外国善于“造星”的知名制作人合作,而是和丹麦本土的音乐制作人Boe Larsen合作。这张名为《BLUE NIGHT》的全新专辑已于2000年末发行。

2001年迈克学摇滚展开了他们的五周亚洲巡回,途径迪拜,菲律宾,新加坡,马来西亚和中国。 2001年11月在上海奥林匹克体育馆举行了声势浩大的亚洲巡回演唱会之中国上海演唱会。在一片熟悉而动人的歌声中,“迈克学摇滚”彻底引发了上海歌迷的热情和狂热,万人体育馆内一片沸腾。

一直以来,Michael Learns To Rock都通过他们的努力证明:即使是世界上最偏远的角落,和我们的距离也只不过是一首动人的歌曲.
01. The Ghost Of You
02. The Actor
03. Sleeping Child
04. Complicated Heart
05. 25 Minutes
06. Out Of The Blue
07. I Wanna Dance
08. That's Why (You Go Away)
09. Love Will Never Lie
10. How Many Hours
11. I'm Gonna Be Around
12. Nothing To Lose
13. Paint My Love
14. Breaking My Heart
15. Strange Foreign Beauty
16. You Took My Heart Away
17. Blue Night
18. More Than A Friend
19. Forever And A Day

专辑歌手:Michael Learns To Rock

01. My Love
02. Sleeping Child
03. That's Why (You Go Away)
04.  The Actor
05.Wild Women
06. Love Will Never Lie
07. I Still Carry On
08.  Complicated Heart
09. Breaking My Heart
10. Someday
11. The Blue
12.  25 Minutes
13.  Breaking The Rules
14. How Many Hours
15.  Crazy Dream
16. Paint My Love (Acoustic Version)
17.  Breaking My Heart (Alternative Version)

第1个回答  2006-04-07
The history of Michael Learns To Rock
With global record sales of more than 9 million units since the debut in 1991, the history of MLTR contains not only the story of one of the biggest international successes ever to come out of Denmark, it's also the tale of how exceptions often confirm the rule. As opposed to so many other international names, the road to MLTR's success has never been paved with scandals, divorces, drugs, or even extreme images of life on the edge ?It's strictly about music. It's about the formidable talent for writing fine pop songs, about the indisputable qualities contained in the songs, and above all the ability to cut through all the noise with material that has earned the group a faithful following and dazzling record sales.

MLTR's music has been described as a Scandinavian glow that meets the international pop song, something which has been refined through the years by artists such as The Beatles, The Eagles, Elton John and Billy Joel. It's precisely the perfect balance of the two elements described above that has been instrumental in forming the compelling sound of the band and won MLTR millions of fans around the globe

The whole saga begins quite modestly back in 1987 at a high school in Aarhus, Denmark. The singer and keyboard player Jascha Richter (b. 1963) forms a band with drummer K錼e Wanscher (b. 1969) and guitarist Mikkel Lentz (b. 1968) ?a little caf?band. All three are huge music fans who were virtually fed the history of pop and rock with their mother's milk. They decide to create a more serious band after Jascha plays them a few songs he has written. In the spring of 1988 S鸵en Madsen (b. 1967), who's otherwise a guitarist, agrees to sit in on bass during a rehearsal one evening. Michael Learns To Rock becomes a reality. The group debuts in Aarhus in May 1988 and later in the summer enters the city's annual talent contest. MLTR scores a resounding victory, and at the same time lands a manager, J.P. Andersen, who is a member of the jury. Andersen immediately falls for the talent radiating out of this sparkling young quartet.

The following two years bring an intensive period of concert touring. The group plays everywhere in Denmark, adds new and better songs to the repertoire, gets tighter and tighter as a band, fine tunes the precise harmonies that give the band its signature sound ?and along the way, lands a solid record contract. With the Danish producers Jens Hofman and Oli Poulsen working the dials, MLTR spends several months in the studio preparing for the September 1991 debut of the album MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK . Among other tracks, the set contains the hit ballad THE ACTOR a song that in January 1992 secures MLTR the pole position on the Danish album-sales chart. The song travels much faster than the band, and without MLTR even being there, it tops the charts in Norway, Sweden, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The period marks hectic times for MLTR. In 1992 they frantically tour Denmark ?where they are the hottest thing going ?and a number of countries in the Far East where their presence is a follow-up force to smashing successes the debut album has already achieved. Along the way Jascha Richter writes songs for a second album that gets a rush release in October 1993 under the title COLOURS .

Once again, it's the knack for creating the classic ballad that generates success. SLEEPING CHILD is the title of the song that sparks MLTR-mania. In the course of the next 18 months, the frenzy launches the band on a journey to many parts of the world and generates album sales far beyond the one-million mark. COLOURS is released in most of Europe and throughout the Far East, while SLEEPING CHILD and the singles that follow, 25 MINUTES and OUT OF THE BLUE land MLTR top slots on countless hitlists and earns the lads innumerable gold and platinum records. Fans in Thailand go berserk when the band arrives in Bangkok in November to perform for 12,000 followers at the Phoebus Concert Hall. And as the jubilant finale to a golden year, MLTR is given the prestigious RSH Award in Germany and at the SEA Grammy Awards in Singapore the band is named 揟he Best Performing Act of the Year.?

The year 1995 sees the release of MLTR's third album, PLAYED ON PEPPER . The number of international territories MLTR has conquered grows, putting the band is on top-priority lists in faraway places such as Brazil, South Africa, The United Emirates Republic, and no fewer than 11 countries in the Far East. It goes without saying that Scandinavia is on the bandwagon along with other European countries, including Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland where the album is released. In October of the same year MLTR embarks on their biggest tour of the Far East -- with 25 shows in 10 countries ?where new hits like THAT'S WHY (YOU GO AWAY) and SOMEDAY become pearls on the string of hits that make up the setlist. PLAYED ON PEPPER ends up selling more than 1.2 million units, while in efforts to curb pirate copying of MLTR material, the band releases the best-of album, PAINT MY LOVE . The album is released exclusively in the Far East. The title track ?and the accompanying video which touches the edges of censorship laws in some territories ?reinforces MLTR's enormous popularity and indisputably makes the band the biggest name in countries such as Korea, Thailand and Malaysia. Down by the opposite pole, MLTR's popularity explodes in South Africa. Following a hectic four-day promo tour in July 1997, the band lands at the top of the country's hitlists . PAINT MY LOVE sells a whopping 3.4 million units worldwide. MLTR is chosen as headliner for the Celebrate Hong Kong Concert on 6 July 1997, the climax to festivities marking the transfer of Hong Kong to China.

While promoting PAINT MY LOVE on the international highways, MLTR squeezes in some time to record a fourth studio album NOTHING TO LOSE . The set is released in September 1997 while MLTR still has a firm foothold atop hitlists in the Far East as well as South Africa. The rocker SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW helps pave the way for yet another success by the band. NOTHING TO LOSE logs sales of more than one million units and when the band heads off in January 1998 for a tour of South Africa to play sell-outs in Johannesburg and Pretoria, the critics write: 揟his is as good (if not better) a band as any current big name group out of America or the UK.?

Nine turbulent years takes its toll on the four musicians who decide to take a break from each other and from the world of pop music. But shortly thereafter, in the autumn of 1998, Jascha Richter has some new songs written. The single STRANGE FOREIGN BEAUTY is chosen as the trump card for a new retrospective album released under the fitting title, GREATEST HITS. The set contains a selection of top hits from the four previous albums, but the tracks have either been remixed, re-recorded or fine tuned in some way or another. Upon the album's 1999 release, MLTR once again lands at the summit of the Danish hitlist and opens the ears of music fans in new, untapped areas such as Portugal. Another million seller is added to the band's discography, and the success was achieved without any promotional work done in MLTR's main markets in the Far East.

When MLTR begins initial work for studio album number five in the spring of 2000, S鸵en Madsen decides to leave the group to try his hand at a solo carrier. Richter, Lentz and Wanscher opt to continue as a trio and that summer they head for the studio. As it has been for previous albums, the band decides once again not to hire a costly international star producer, but allies itself with the incredibly talented Danish musician, arranger and producer Boe Larsen. Uniting with the band, he and MLTR find a new musical direction and set some new challenges for themselves. The outcome is BLUE NIGHT ?MLTR in the year 2000. A dozen new, sharply-profiled quality pop songs. The new tracks are a fine extension of what is already an impressive repertoire that may be postmarked in Denmark, but surely demonstrate how the most remote corner of the world is no more than a good song away.

BLUE NIGHT becomes another huge success for MLTR ?sales come close to the platinum level at home and score successfully on Asian hitlists as well as the group's new found market in Sweden. In 2001 the band sets out on a five-week-long tour with stops in Dubai, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and China. Just before the tour kicks off, the compilation 19 LOVE SONGS ?including the not previously released track GHOST OF YOU -- is released in Southeast Asia. (Danish release 2002). Before setting off on the tour the boys agree they will take a long break upon completion of the tour. The break allows Richter, Lentz and Wanscher a chance to pursue individual projects, one of which leads to Richter's solo album PLANET BLUE.

At the start of 2003, the band members gathered once again and began to plan their sixth album. It was released in February 2004 and titled: "Michael Learns To Rock".

Since this release the band has been concentrating on playing concerts around the world.

