

一单元的 单词解析 1.and/�0�3nd, �0�5nd, �0�5n/conj. 和,又【考点】and so on等等: I learn Chinese, math, English and so on. 我学习语文、数学、英语等等。both…and既……又……: The film is both interesting and instructive. 这部电影既有趣又有教育意义。2.eight/e�0�1t/num. 八【引申】eighteen/e�0�1�0�4ti:n/十八;eighty/�0�4e�0�1t�0�1/八十。3.first/f�0�5:st/adj. &adv. 第一,最初,最先n. 最初,当初【考点】at first sight一见之下,乍看来: At first sight the problem seemed easy. 这问题乍看起来很容易。first of all首先,第一: First of all, I must check the number. 首先我必须检查那号码。 from first to last从头到尾。at first起初,开始时。【引申】同义词: earliest, highest, leading;反义词: final, last。The First Lady总统夫人;first name名字(与姓相对);first—aid急救的;first cost(商)最初成本。4.five/fa�0�1v/num. 五【引申】fivefold adj. 五倍的;five pence五便士。5.four/f�0�0:, f�0�5�0�3r/num. 四6.her/h�0�5:/pron. 她的(是she的宾格和所有格)7.his/hiz, �0�1z/pron. 他的(he的所有格,him是he的宾格)8.last/lɑ:st/adj. &adv. 最后的(地),最近刚刚过去的v. 继续,维持: How long will the fine weather last?这好天气会持续多久?n. 最后的人或事物【考点】last but not the least最后的但非最不重要的。at last最后,终于: At last, we reached London. 我们终于到达伦敦。to the last至终,到底: faithful to the last始终忠实。【引申】同义词: adj. closing, final, latest adv. after, behind;反义词: first。lasting peace持久的和平;last name姓。9.meet/mi:t/v.遇到,碰到【记忆法】—ee—双写,与meat为同音词。【考点】to meet sb. (or sth. )遇到某人/某事: Nice to meet you. 初次见面时的客套话,不是初次见面时则用see。【引申】meet也可用作名词,译为:会,集会: sports meet运动会。10.nine/na�0�1n/num. 九11.number/�0�4n�0�5mb�0�5,�0�4n�0�5mb�0�5(r)/n. ①数,数字;②(数目)大量,许多【考点】a number of一些,许多(后接可数名词复数):A number of students took part in the sports meet. 许多学生参加了运动会。the number of……的数量: The number of boys in my class is fifteen. 我们班有15名男孩。in number在数字上,总共: They are 18 in number. 他们总共18人。【引申】an even/odd number 偶/奇数;lucky number幸运数字;Number Ten(英国的首相官邸)唐宁街10号。12.one/w�0�5n/num. 1,一: One and two makes three. 一加二等于三。adj. ①一个: I have one book. 我有一本书。②有一(天): One day he will understand you. 有一天他会理解你的。③同一的: They all ran in one direction. 他们都朝着同一个方向跑。④完整的,一体的: They replied in one voice. 他们同声回答。13.seven/�0�4sev�0�5n/num. 七14.six/s�0�1ks/num. 六15.three/θri: /num. 三16.two/tu: /num. 二【引申】Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮。by twos and threes零零星星。17.zero/�0�4zi�0�5r�0�5u/n. &num. ①零;②零点,零度: It was 5 below/above zero this morning. 今天早上的气温是零下5度/5度。【引申】get zero in an examination考试得0分;zero growth/É¡r�0�5uθ/零增长。