

Let oneself become a popular

Life, every day you get along with others, contact with different people and different things. Some people brilliance, some people are squarely in communication. Appear this kind of circumstance, at this moment you should realize "oneself is a popular person". I think, the key is about the weakness of human: -
1, do you to others sincerely interested, if you really interested in others, two months you can light to others than a man for his interest in two years, which can make more friends.
2, whether you can remember people's names, remember people's names, but also can be the same name, in fact is a clever and effective praise.
3 and if you can be a good listener, a talk to you, for his own needs and problems of its own, to the needs and problems than you are interested in a hundredfold.
4 and if you let someone save face, in fact, you hurt anyone, perhaps have forgotten you hurt, but the people will never forget you, he never remember your strengths.
5 and if you often smile, smile was the most beautiful language. Language is used to communicate, and communication is various, as long as you keep smile, then meet you forever and smile.
Anyhow, in life with sincerity, standing on the other side of the things for other positions, slowly, you will become a very popular.

第1个回答  2013-07-20
Trying to become a popular person
Yesterday, I attended a conference about AHRP(Aisa Human Resource Projest), which was held by Transcend Human Resource Company from Tokyo. It is a project that provide Chinese graduates chances to work in Janpan. As it is said, as population in Japan is suffering from a negative growth and qualities of their graduates are not as good as before, it becomes harder and harder for enterprises in Japan to get suitable employees. They have realized that it is necessary to import oversea talents.

During the conversation with the HR of Transcend, I've gotten something important for me to pay more attention to. The top 3 are as follows:

First, you should be ambitious and entreprenant. Japanese enterprises make a great point of employees' sense of uplift rather than their professional skills.

Second, you'd better have great learning capabilities.

Last but not least, a firm base of professional knowledges will be popular.

Another thing I noticed was the Japanese HR kept smiling all the time, which made the interview relaxed and friendly. I suddenly realized that a infectious smile was the most powerful weapon that could conquer everything easily. I also know that if you love others' smile, you should do the same.

Never frown, since you never know who will fall in love with your smile.
Just do it.

It never was worthwhile, so pack up your troubles in you old kit-bag, and smile, smile, smile.