

你如果行善事,人们会说你必定是出于自私的隐秘动机。不管怎样,还是要做善事; 你今天所做的善事明天就会被人遗忘。不管怎样,还是要做善事; 你如果成功,得到的会是假朋友和真敌人。不管怎样,还是要成功; 你耗费数年所建设的可能毁于一旦。不管怎样,还是要建设; 你坦诚待人却受到了伤害。不管怎样,还是要坦诚待人; 心胸最博大最宽容的人,可能会被心胸狭窄的人击倒。不管怎样,还是要志存高远。 人们的确需要帮助,但当你真的帮助他们的时候,他们可能会攻击你。不管怎样,还是要帮助别人。 将你所拥有的最好的东西献给世界,你可能会被反咬一口。不管怎样,还是要把最宝贵的东西献给世界。 英文版原文:
"The good you do today, people will forget tomorrow: Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some
true enemies: Succeed anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of being selfish and
having ulterior motives: Be kind anyway.

What you spend years building, someone may try to destroy
overnight: Build anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you: Be honest
and frank anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough:
Give the world the best you have anyway.

If you have serenity and happiness, they may be jealous: Be happy anyway.

The final analysis is between you and God, not between you
and them."
