23.tomsent in his resignation two or three days ago and I thing it by the coming Saturday

23.tomsent in his resignation two or three days ago and I thing it by the coming Saturday
A)willbe accepted
B)shouldhave been accepted
C)mustbe accepted
D)oughtto be accepted
上面是i think 不是i thing哈~

Tom sent in his resignation two or three days ago and I think it (will be accepted) by the coming Saturday.

解释:the coming +(某时间段,季节等),表示即将到来的,比如:in the coming year. 在接下来一年里, in the coming days. 在未来的日子里,所以要用一般将来时态(will + 动词原形)。“... it will be accepted by the coming Saturday”, 这里的it指前面的辞职信,对于动词accept来说,它是被动的,用被动语态。选A。选项B should have been accepted, 本应该被接受,should have done指在已经过去的时间里,本应该发生的动作但却没发生。C must be accept, 肯定被接受。must表示一定,必须,语气强烈。如you must finish your homework today. 你今天一定要完成作业。D ought to be accepted应该被接受。ought to do sth.表示以客观角度来说,应该做某事。如 we ought to help those homeless people if we could. 如果可以的话,我们应该帮助那些无家可归者。
第1个回答  2013-08-02
c 和 d 带有“命令式”语气, 显然不妥。 在 A 和 B 之间, 选A 表达“将来的事实”应该是对的。 但是,我觉得在这句话里, 选用B更恰当。原因是,这句话里的时间是以by引导, 即by the (forth)coming Saturday,在这种情况下,英文通常用虚拟语气来表达“将发生的事情”。而 should have been accepted 正符合这个条件。
第2个回答  2013-08-02
coming Saturday表示下个星期六

ought to表示应该,must表示必定 都不符合

will 即可表示将来有还有“可能”的含义,所以选A
第3个回答  2013-08-02
lz是不是抄错了,我觉得后面应该是I think it,大概意思是torn提交了辞职信,我想它应该会在这个星期六被接受。因为星期六还没到,所以用将来时追问

对对对是i think,不过这里好像不是很影响整个句子~~~
