

Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest.
“Ring,”went the telephone.”Come to my house for lunch,”
said Auntie Bear.
“Yes,we will come,”said Mama Bear.
She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper.
Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear’s house.
A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.
She discovered the Bears’ house and went inside
Without asking.She sat in a chair.
“This chair is too hard!”she complained.
The next chair was smaller,but too soft.
The third chair was just right.
She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way.
Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew.
The big bowl was much too hot!
“Maybe this bowl will be cooler,”she said.
Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold.
She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down.
It was just right.
Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom.
Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard.
The next was too soft.
Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was
lying in the third bed.
When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted,
“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair!”Mama Bear cried,
“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair!”Then Baby Bear cried,
“Somebody’s been sitting on my chair and now it’s all broken!”
In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said,
“Somebody’s been eating my stew!”Mama Bear cried,
“Somebody’s been eating my stew!”Baby Bear cried,
“Somebody’s been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!”
The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs.
Papa Bear growled,”Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!”
Mama Bear growled,”Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!”
Baby Bear cried,”Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed,
and there she is!”
Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away,
but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks.
“Please,forgive me,”Goldilocks cried.
The Bears forgave her.
Goldilocks quit sneaking into people’s homes.

第1个回答  2013-06-16
旁白:A and B are primary schoolmate . A is a CEO of a company ,and now to is a million naire, but he is very busy . Though he can create a good meterial conditions to his family, but he almost has no time to spend with his family. B is a company ordinary employees ,live not a very rich life ,but he has enough time with his family ,he is family is fill of love.
One day ,A and B took their soon C and D walking in the park .A: Hi, B, How are you.B: Fine ,thanks .This is my son DD: hello ,uncleA: Hi ,love boy C and D you go to play C: ALL right A: B , Are you still working in that factory B: Yes, that is a nice place .A: It that good? Please hand on you resignation, and come to my company.B: Thank you for you kindness, but I love my current job.A: Why? Can that job allow you to own a good car ?B: I take the subway to work , That is very convenicentA: Can that job allow you live in villa?B: My house is small , but it is cleanA: Can you afford the NBA VIP thickets.B: I play ball games with my son every week ,He likes the movementA: NO NO NO money money money ,no money where happy comes from. 旁白:C,D the two kids chatting on the side , C dresses by Dior, and D seems very simple.C: Hei, I saw kobe competition , so cool!D: How could you see him?C: My father have bought the VIP thickets, and I sat beside kobe.D: How nice but I think my dad is best C: why?D: My father accompany me to play ball every week ,he play is wellC: Forgei it ,your father can not afford to the tickets A: B, come and work for my company ,I will give you a high salary.B: A ,you still can not understand me . A,are you busy every day?A: Yes ,very busy .B: How much time you spen with your familly every day ?A: Every day I return home after work ,I was very tired, I have no time to spend with my family.Time is money , If you have no money how can you let your family to lead a happy life ?B: Happiness is not measure by money Can you buy health by money? Can you buysmile by money? A: My family is full of happiness ,we have everything we want .I can give them what they want ,can you ?B: where are you when your son was seriously ill last year?A: I called my assistant send him to the best hospital B: what were you doing?A:I~I~I was signing an important contract.B: You even have no time to take care of you sick son. How can you really give them happiness. C: I have Nick shoes Adidas clothes have you ?D:My dad took me to explore ,to go fishing to play basketball, everyweek, I have joy , I have happiness.C: I have the best fishing gear, but my father never have come to accompany me to go fishing.D: Is hevery busy C: Yes , he always so busy that even have no time to eat with me and my motherD: Are you lonely C: yes , a little D: you can ask you dad spending more time with you C: Yes , I willD: So shall we go to play basketball?C: OK ,let ,s go 孩子,这个很简单,我就不翻译咯