
再过一个多星期,就到我们的国庆节了,也许大多数人都有一个美美的小长假来实现近期的愿望,可仍有少部分人因工作需要假期间要正常上班哦,那如何用英语形容这个有名无实的"十一"假日呢? 照常上班节假日可用“a busman's holiday”来表达。 比如感叹一下:我的十一假期“有名无实”,整个假期都呆在办公室呢····I will spend a busman's holiday during the National Day. 早在19世纪,英国人出门常常乘坐“公共马车”。据说,马车车主大都疼爱自己的“马”,常常利用休息日装扮成乘客,偷偷坐在自家的马车上,以确保车夫善待马匹。久而久之,“a busman's holiday”应运而生,用来形容“没有休息的节假日”。

再过一个多星期,就到我们的国庆节了,也许大多数人都有一个美美的小长假来实现近期的愿望,可仍有少部分人因工作需要假期间要正常上班哦,那如何用英语形容这个有名无实的"十一"假日呢? 照常上班节假日可用“a busman's holiday”来表达。 比如感叹一下:我的十一假期“有名无实”,整个假期都呆在办公室呢····I will spend a busman's holiday during the National Day. 早在19世纪,英国人出门常常乘坐“公共马车”。据说,马车车主大都疼爱自己的“马”,常常利用休息日装扮成乘客,偷偷坐在自家的马车上,以确保车夫善待马匹。久而久之,“a busman's holiday”应运而生,用来形容“没有休息的节假日”。

In more than a week, to our National Day, maybe most people have a long small vacation to realize the desire of the recent, but there are still a few people, because of work need holidays to normal work, that how to use English to describe the phantom "eleven" holiday? Available to work as usual holiday "a busman 's holiday" to express. Such as exclamation: my 11 holidays a busman, spend the whole holiday in the office?... I will spend a busman 's holiday during the National Day, early in the 19th century, British people often travel by stagecoach. Wagon owners, it is said, are mostly "horse", that is very fond of oneself often make use of playday dressed as passengers, secretly sitting on their coach, to ensure that the driver to the horses. Over time, "a busman 's holiday" ?


The holidays to work as usual
第1个回答  2013-10-15
正纳闷为啥叫做busman呢,既然是马车为啥不叫做carriageman或者horseman呢? 别砸我啊
第2个回答  2013-10-15
A nominate holiday.
第3个回答  2013-10-15