七年级下英语同步练习 上海出版社目标与测试


Unit 7 Test 1 Vocabulary

I. Translation

1. 在将来 _______________________
2. 谈论未来 _____________________
3. 进入新世纪 ___________________
4. 你认为将会发生什么事? ___________________
5. 能够做某事 ___________________
6. 住在别的星球上 __________________
7. 没有水或者空气 __________________
8. 我这样认为 __________________
9. 我不这样认为 __________________
10. 足够的食物 __________________
11. 种蔬菜 __________________
12. 在太空站 __________________
13. 在不同国家的人 __________________
14. 说相同的语言 __________________
15. 更好地理解对方 __________________
16. 在海底的城市 ____________________
17. 在家里从电脑中学习 _____________________________________
18. 吃药片当作用餐 _________________
19. 乘坐航空飞船到别的星球上旅游_________________
20. 在人们家中拥有机器人_________________
21. 可怕的空气污染 _________________
22. 我们的愿望 _________________
23. 你希望将会发生什么?_________________
24. 在十年之后_______________________
25. 制作时光盒子_____________________
26. 这很有趣_________________________
27. 将时光盒子保存在秘密的地方___________________________________
28. 写下你的愿望______________________
29. 在几张纸上_______________________
30. 签上名字_________________________
31. 用胶带封上_______________________
32. 也许将会有……____________________

II. Choose the proper word from the bracket to complete the sentences.

1. Students all stopped talking when the teacher ________________ in. (came, enter)
2. Miss Lee will talk _______________ after class. (about, to)
3. We should promise not _______________ the earth. (pollute, to pollute)
4. I hope that there _______________ enough food for everyone. (will be, is)
5. What ________________ it is to ski in the snow. (fun, funny)

III. Choose the best answer.
( ) 1. You’ve never read such an interesting book before, _________________?
A. haven’t you B. have you C. do you D. don’t you
( ) 2. Don’t forget to return the library book, _____________?
A. will you B. do you C. are you D. shall we
( ) 3.--- _____________ do you see a film? --- Once a week.
A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far
( ) 4.___________ new radio it is!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
( ) 5. You have to pay ____________ the book if you lost it.
A. for B. to C. on D. about
( ) 6. Linda hopes _________ an engineer when she grows up.
A. become B. to be C. being D. is
( ) 7. _________ there will be _________ air pollution in the future.
A. Perhaps…no B. Perhaps…not C. Possible…no D. Possible…not
( ) 8. --- Lucy will possibly be a model because she is very tall.
A. I don’t hope. B. I think not. C. I hope. D. I think so.
( ) 9. Students all like to help ________ in our class.
A. to each other. B. each C. the other D. each other
( ) 10. She is a top student and she _________ speak two foreign language.
A. be able to B. is able to C. will able to D. able to
( ) 11. I hope that there __________ no wars in the world.
A. is B. will C. will be D. are
( ) 12. The name of the song is Seal it ________ a kiss.
A. to B. with C. for D. of
( ) 13. I saw your father ________ your teacher when I passed by.
A. talking with B. talking about C. talk to D. talk about
( ) 14.The river is far away. _______________ people like to go fishing there.
A. Little B. Few C. A few D. A little
( ) 15.You can borrow my car, but you mustn’t lend it to ________________.
A. others B. the other C. another D. the others

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.
1. The young boy isn’t old enough to go to school. (保持句意不变)
The young boy is ____________ ____________ to go to school.
The young boy is ____________ ____________ that he can’t go to school.
2. This dress cost her 90 yuan. (改为一般疑问句)
______________ this dress _____________ her 90 yuan?
3. I think our school will be more beautiful in the future. (划线部分提问)
______________ do you think _____________ ______________ in the future?
4. She doesn’t know how she could pack them all .(改成同义句)
She doesn’t know pack them all .
5. I think. It won’t get warmer tomorrow .(合并成复合句)
I think it get warmer tomorrow .
Unit 7 Test 2 Grammar

I. Use the proper form of the verb to finish the sentences.
1. Uncle Wang usually ______________ (go) to work by bike.
2. Be quiet ! The patient ______________ ( sleep ).
3. They can ______________ ( not afford ) to buy the ticket to the concert.
4. Look, a number of Young Pioneers _______________( plant ) trees over there.
5. Emily often ____________ ( help ) her mother ____________ ( wash ) clothes on Sunday.
6. How many books ______________ the library ______________ ( have ) ?
7. Who ______________ ( want ) to give me a hand ?
8. Listen ! Somebody _______________ ( play ) the piano.
9. _____________ ( not be ) afraid, I ______________ ( show ) you how to reach the station.
10. Mr. King is a teacher. He _______________ ( teach ) computer science in a school.
11. I hope I ______________ a doctor in the future. ( be )
12. We can open the box and see how things ______________. ( change )

II. Choose the best answer.
( ) 1. There ____ a number of people in the park on Sundays.
A. is B. are C. will be D. have
( ) 2. Where is James ? He _________ with his brother.
A. runs B. will run C. running D. is running
( ) 3. Who _______ in the next room ? Mary is.
A. is singing B. is sing C. sings D. sing
( ) 4. I often wake him up in the morning, ____________.
A. so is Ann B. so Ann is C. so does Ann D. so Ann does
( ) 5. My uncle often _____ me ______ stamps for him.
A. lets, collect B. lets, to collect
C. let, collects D. let, to collect
( ) 6. There ______ a nice present for your coming tenth birthday.
A. will have B. is C. will be D. has
( ) 7. He says he _______ us around his factory in two days.
A. shows B. is showing C. will shows D. will show
( ) 8. _____ you ______ my turning off the radio?
A. Do, mind B. Are, mind C. Does, mind D. Do, minds
( ) 9. She _________ well in chemistry.
A. doesn’t B. doesn’t do C. don’t D. don’t do
( ) 10. There _______ a map and some pictures on the desk.
A. are B. is C. have D. has
( ) 11. Either we or Andy ______ the animals this weekend.
A. is going to feed B. are going to feed
C. is feeding D. are feeding
( ) 12. I hope your dream __________ one day.
A. comes true B. come true
C. will come true D. will true
( ) 13. She ________ enough food for the coming dinner, she only ____ a little bread.
A. don’t have, has B. doesn’t has, has
C. don’t have, have D. doesn’t have, has
( ) 14. Allan is learning to make model ships, _________ ?
A. is he B. does he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he
( ) 15. She has few friends because she is new here, ___________ ?
A. doesn’t she B. does she C. isn’t she D. is she
( ) 16. _______ I return the book to the library soon?
A. Will B. Do C. Am D. Shall
( ) 17. ______ one of those men __________ the robber ?
A. Does, look like B. Is, look like
C. Do, looks like D. Are, looking like
( ) 18. Where ______ this kind of bag _________ ?
A. is, make B. is, making C. is, made D. does, make
( ) 19. What _________ it is to go to Sheshan for our holiday.
A. a fun B. fun C. funny D. a funny
( ) 20. What do you hope will happen ____________?
A. in ten years’ B. for ten years
C. in ten years’ time D. for ten years’ time

III. Rewrite the following sentences as required.
1. Lucy likes going skating with her friends. (改写成否定句)
Lucy ______________ ______________ going skating with her friends.
2. Bruce often writes letters in English. (用now改写句子)
Bruce _______________ ______________ letters in English.
3. Mrs. Brown is going to buy a digital camera. (对划线部分提问)
_______________ _______________ Mrs. Brown going to ______________?
4. They are surfing. (对划线部分提问)
________________ _______________ they ______________?
5. Aunt Li’s son has ten toy bears. (对划线部分提问)
______________ _____________toy bears _____________ Aunt Li’s son _____________?