

第54 期参考答案
Ⅰ. 1—5 CCDCC 6—10 BDDCB 11—15 AADCA
Ⅱ. 1—5 BABCB 6—10 DABAA
Ⅲ. A) 1—3 BBC B) 4—6 CDC C) 7—10 BACD
Ⅳ. 1. Italy 2. nursing 3. 33 4. slept 5. 1854 6. love 7. comfortable 8. clean 9. great 10. changed
Ⅴ. A) 1. protect 2. burnt 3. believe 4. before 5. newspaper
B) 6. send 7. wet 8. need 9. term 10. saved
C) 11. badly 12. was 13. reporter 14. lost 15. his
Ⅵ. 1. careless 2. hurt 3. happened 4. alone 5. burning 6. afraid 7. heard 8. smoke 9. over 10. put
Ⅶ. A)1. I want to recommend Li Lei for the Best Student Award.
2. Mary often gives her seat to the old people on the bus.
3. Would you like to take part in this interesting game?
4. He often raises money for the poor.
5. How interesting the story is!
B)One possible version:
Dear Sir
I would like to recommend Wang Fang for this year’s Best Student Award.
Wang Fang is a kind girl and often thinks of others first. She is clever and does well in all her lessons. She always tries her best to
learn each subject well. She thinks about everything carefully and sometimes helps our teachers do something. Last month, she
helped a little girl out of a river on her way home. She looked after the little girl and played with her for three hours before her
parents came. She is very brave and helpful.
All of us think she should get the award.
Zhang Hua
第4 版
【完形填空】1—5 DCBCA 6—10 CDCDC
【阅读理解】1—5 CADAB
【词汇运用】1. hospital 2. pay 3. careful 4. rushed 5. hard
【补全对话】1—5 DFACG