


    主要需改进之处:1)书写和卷面都有改善空间,比如涂改越少越好,字越漂亮越好,字母占格符合英语习惯等。2)常识:逗号后边不大写。3)论述要有理有据表述逻辑清楚。你开头说有两个原因,可后面并不是围绕两个原因论述,跑题了。4)明显语法错、错别字要减少:two reason(s) ,interestion, needing, (a)better job(s) 5)消灭汉语式英语:you feel society needing; I think shoud choose


第1个回答  2013-05-26
There are two main reasons for choosing a good major and a prestigious university. It is clear that a good major is very important, but choosing a suitable university is equally essential.

Here are seceral suggestions for these students. Firstly, it is obvious that one should always follow his passion and choose the majoys that he is interested in, so that after he graduated, he could contribute to the society by probably inventing something useful to his or her country. Secondly, a excellent university will make sure that you get a better job and high salaries in the future.

No one can deny that selecting a good university is not important to one's life because the environment of the university decides whether you will enjoy a better living for the rest of your life.

university's 这样的说法绝对是错误的。。。
第2个回答  2013-05-25
There are two main reasons for choosing a good major or a good university. It is clear that ,on one hand, a good major is very important ,on the other hand, needless to say, a good university is equally important ,too.
Here are several suggestions on these problems. For one thing, it is obvious that if you like some interesting majors or you feel society will need some majors in the future . You should choose the major that you like . For another thing, it goes without saying that if you would like to choose more lessons or to have better job chances in the future, you should choose a good university.
No noe can deny that. I think you should choose a good university . Because university's environment is very important.