
1,Tourism is an excellent way to develop a country, but it can also cause harm. How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development?

2,Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. Ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
air travel就是指坐飞机的旅行吗?还是指比较奢侈的在空中的旅行?我只想到了the price will have a considerable decrease in the next few years, like enormous high-technology productions, and therefore, chances of air traveling will be offered to ordinary individuals.还有什么其他点吗?这道题要不要牵扯到环境问题?

3,nowadays people live in the society where consumer goods are relatively cheaper to buy. do you think its advantages over the disadvantages?
这个问题中 consumer goods 就是泛指的日用品吗?包不包括食品呢?另外有没有好的思路呢?问题是我没觉得东西便宜了……

4,Nowadays, people always throw the old things away when they buy new things. some people claim that the brocken things should be repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects the phenomenon leads to?
这里的phenomenon仅指 people always throw the old things away when they buy new things对吗?包不包括some people claim?

国家怎样保证旅游业对国家发展有好处?这是先写利弊 然后写如何 趋利避弊 保证

2,Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. Ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
air travel就是指坐飞机的旅行 也包括比较奢侈的在空中的旅行
我只想到了the price will have a considerable decrease in the next few years, like enormous high-technology productions, and therefore, chances of air traveling will be offered to ordinary individuals.
你的观点是disagree 这道题可以少牵扯到环境问题
经济方便快捷 也能对普通人 带来好处利益

3,nowadays people live in the society where consumer goods are relatively cheaper to buy. do you think its advantages over the disadvantages?
这个问题中 consumer goods 就是泛指的日用品 包括食品
这道题 指的是 消费品相对便宜 利大还是弊大
如果你认为东西便宜 是好事 就说出你的理由
如果你认为东西便宜 并不是好事 也说出你的理由
建议 你 选择 东西过于便宜 并非好事 来写 ,从拉动内需 国家经济发展 方面考虑
如果东西 过于便宜 就意味着 经济萧条 不远了。。。
这个问题与你觉得东西是否便宜了 没关系,

4,Nowadays, people always throw the old things away when they buy new things. (but)some people claim that the brocken things should be repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects the phenomenon leads to?
这里的phenomenon指 people always throw the old things away when they buy new things和 some people claim 这其实 是 两种消费观念
让你分析 引起这两种消费观念 的因素是什么
和这两种消费观念 会导致 什么结果



政府怎样确保是指 政府从某些现象判断旅游业是否对国家有好处 还是 政府怎样使旅游业对国家有好处?



政府怎样确保是指 政府从某些现象判断旅游业的哪些方面对国家有好处
然后政府怎样采取措施 使旅游业的这些方面 健康发展
第二个题目只写价格会便宜太空洞,还可以写 方便快捷 安全舒适 ,适应现代人的生活节奏
谈生意 、开会、旅游度假 等 乘坐飞机是最佳 选择

第1个回答  2013-06-06