六年级上学期苏教版的英语试题(你们别看着嫌多,其实才九道题)拜托帮帮忙,THANK YOU!

It's five ____ four.(3:55). A.to B.for C.past
_____ are we going,Simon?—— To the park
A. where B.what C.when
Don't ____ in the road! A。running B.run C.ran
Chinese_____ are difficult. A.are B.is C.be
Beijing _____very big and very famous.
A.are B.is C.was D.were
We want to ride _____ a bus.A.in B.for C.on D.of
Do you want to go to Guilin?
A.yes , you do B.no, you aren't C.yes, he does D. no,thank you
What _____ fantastic present ! A.a B.an C.is D.are
They wnt to bring peace______ the world.
A.to B.at C.from D.of

It's five ____ four. (3点55)如果是4点05那么就选past
A. to

_____ are we going,Simon?—— To the park
A. where

Don't ____ in the road!
B. run

Chinese_____ difficult.
B. is

Beijing _____very big and very famous.
B. is

We want to ride _____ a bus.
A. in

Do you want to go to Guilin?
D. No, thank you.

They wnt to bring peace______ the world.
A. to来自:求助得到的回答