
9、A detective story usually has a(n) ___B____ plot
A. intricate
B. introductory
C. artificial
D. emotional

17. Rob stood in the hallway, from where he could ___C_the happenings on the street A. choose B. obtain C. observe D. present

19. He prefers living alone in a quiet village __D___ living in a noisy city
A. than
B. tmore than
C. to
D. rather than

25. Her experience _______A___ how easily young women can ________ trouble abroad.
A. show…get into
B. shows…get in
C. show…get in
D. shows…get into

36. He ___A_ believed that he was too clever to be caught in his wrong-doing
A. absurdly
B. sensitively
C. logically
D. senselessly

38. He had to do nothing __C___ for the policeman.
A. except send
B. except to send
C. but to send
D. but sending

39. From a distance she couldn't tell ___B____ whether it was George or Peter
A. in advance
B. sure enough
C. to be sure
D. for sure

47. Thc water supply was _A___for two whole days.
A. cut short
B. fallen short
C. put by
D. shut off

9. 错了,答案是【A. intricate】

17. 正确

19. 错了,答案是【C. to】
固定搭配:prefer sth [to] sth else 或 prefer sth [over] sth

25. 错了,答案是【D. shows....get into】
her experience是单数,要加s

36. 正确

38. 错了,答案是【A. except send】
"except+[动词原形]" 是一个固定搭配。
“We did all the right things except make shots”.

39. 错了,答案是【D. for sure】
词组:can't tell sth for sure

47. 错了,答案是【D. shut off】
cut short是一瞬间就完成的动作,
如:The water supply was cut short two days ago.
for two days应该是形容状态, 故用shut off这种持久性的词组。
第1个回答  2013-01-05
9、A detective story usually has a(n) ___B____ plot
A. intricate
B. introductory
C. artificial
D. emotional

17. Rob stood in the hallway, from where he could ___C_the happenings on the street A. choose B. obtain C. observe D. present

19. He prefers living alone in a quiet village __D___ living in a noisy city
A. than
B. tmore than
C. to
D. rather than
我认为你选的对。不选C的原因是两者比较起来,更加喜欢前者;而根据句情,选D 比较恰当。

25. Her experience _______A___ how easily young women can ________ trouble abroad.
A. show…get into
B. shows…get in
C. show…get in
D. shows…get into

36. He ___A_ believed that he was too clever to be caught in his wrong-doing
A. absurdly
B. sensitively
C. logically
D. senselessly

38. He had to do nothing __C___ for the policeman.
A. except send
B. except to send
C. but to send
D. but sending

39. From a distance she couldn't tell ___B____ whether it was George or Peter
A. in advance
B. sure enough
C. to be sure
D. for sure

47. The water supply was _A___for two whole days.
A. cut short
B. fallen short
C. put by
D. shut off
我选D。因为没有见过cut short这样用过;如果是cut off,也可以。shut off,是指断电,使机器停止运转;也指切断煤气、水等的供应等。根据句意和词组本身,我选D。

第2个回答  2013-01-05
9、A detective story usually has a(n) _A_ plot(故事情节)
A. intricate 错综复杂的
B. introductory 介绍的,入门的
C. artificial 人造的, 人工的, 假的
D. emotional 令人动情的
17. Rob stood in the hallway, from where he could _C_the happenings on the street
A. choose B. obtain C. observe看到 D. present
19. He prefers living alone in a quiet village _D_ living in a noisy city
A. than
B. tmore than
C. to
D. rather than【prefer to do/doing sth rather than do/doing sth宁愿…而不愿…】
25. Her experience _B_ how easily young women can _B_ trouble abroad.
A. show…get into
B. shows…get in 【get in trouble 惹上麻烦】前面动词用第三人称单数。
C. show…get in
D. shows…get into
36. He _A_ believed that he was too clever to be caught in his wrong-doing
A. absurdly 荒谬地,荒唐地
B. sensitively 敏感地,微妙地;灵敏地;慎重地
C. logically 逻辑上;符合逻辑地
D. senselessly 愚蠢地
38. He had to do nothing _C_ for the policeman.
A. except send
B. except to send
C. but to send 【not...but to do】
D. but sending
39. From a distance she couldn't tell _D_ whether it was George or Peter
A. in advance
B. sure enough
C. to be sure
D. for sure 确定地
47. The water supply was _A_for two whole days.
A. cut short 突然停止
B. fallen short 缺乏;不足
C. put by 储存, 存放在一边
D. shut off 停止, 关掉
第3个回答  2013-01-05
9. 错了,答案是【A】
17. 正确
19. 错了,答案是【C】
25. 错了,答案是【D】
36. 正确
38. 错了,答案是【A】
39. 错了,答案是【D】
47. 错了,答案是【D】

猴岛宣 黑执事为你解答
第4个回答  2013-01-05
9. 错了,答案是A.

19. 错了,答案是C.
25. 错了,答案是D. 38. 错了,答案是A.
39. 错了,答案是D.
47. 错了,答案是D.