


(1) Hanyu Shengcheng Yufa  [Chinese Generative Grammar], translated into Chinese by Chunyan Ning, Fang Ho, and Dasan Zhang, Heilongjiang University
Press, Harbin, 1983.  〔《汉语生成语法》,宁春岩、侯方、张达三合译,黑龙江大学出版社出版。〕

(2) Logical Structure and Linguistic Structure: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives,ed. (with Robert May), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.

(3) New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics,
ed. (with Y.-H. Audrey Li), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

(4) Logical Relations in Chinese and the Theory of Grammar, Garland Publishers,
New York, 1998.

(5) Long Distance Reflexives, ed. (with Peter Cole and Gabriella
Hermon), Syntax and Semantics 33, Academic Press, New York,2001.

The Syntax of Chinese, forthcoming from Cambridge University
Press (with Audrey Li and Yafei Li).