

第1个回答  2013-03-27
第2个回答  2013-03-08
1 Software Sharing: moments, record every bit as the first open sharing voice of social software, software breakthrough traditional model can only share text, pictures, facial expression, speech, the new video sharing function, a new video shooting mode, arbitrary record wonderful every second! At the same time, support the picture dubbing sharing function, so wonderful " sound ". You can also specify a view shared objects, viz. Enjoy, all show the true self at the same time, to ensure the privacy was not snoop. 2 software telephone: unlimited calls, smooth and clear whether the call to a user or multiple users to call, more provincial traffic at the same time, guarantee the quality is clear and smooth, without delay. Fully comparable to the system call experience! With family and friends on the phone, make domestic, international long-distance superexcellent choice!本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-03-08
1..Software Share: momen, catatan tetes sebagai perangkat lunak fitur berbagi suara pertama terbuka sosial, software tradisi terobosan hanya dapat mengirim teks, gambar, ekspresi wajah, suara modus berbagi, fitur berbagi video baru, video capture baru, merekam sewenang-wenang indah setiap detik! Pada saat yang sama, mendukung fitur berbagi gambar dubbing, begitu indah "suara" bergerak naik. Anda juga dapat menentukan maksud untuk berbagi benda-benda yang lulus yang menikmati serba menunjukkan diri sejati sedangkan untuk memastikan privasi dari mencongkel mata.
2.Software Tel: unlimited calls, clear and smooth, whether to call a user or multiple users to call more provincial traffic at the same time, ensure the sound quality is clear and smooth, without delay. Fully comparable system phone call experience! Talking on the phone with friends and relatives, playing a great choice for domestic and international long-distance!
第4个回答  2013-03-15