

片名:魔发奇缘   区域:欧美   又名:长发姑娘/莴苣公主   英文片名:Tangled   国家/地区:美国   发行:迪斯尼 Walt Disney Pictures   类型:动画 喜剧 冒险   导演:拜伦·霍华德Byron Howard 纳森·格雷诺Nathan Greno   编剧:丹·富格曼Dan Fogelman   主演:曼迪·摩尔Mandy Moore   扎克瑞·列维Zachary Levi   唐娜·墨菲Donna Murphy   伊万·麦格雷戈Ewan Mcgregor   朗·皮尔曼Ron Perlman   杰弗瑞·坦姆博尔Jeffrey Tambor   分级:美国PG   上映时间:2010年11月24日
  改编后剧情:故事主角是位有着一头长发的女孩Rapunzel,她的头发受到魔法的控制,也因此她自幼居住在一座与世隔绝的高塔上,直到有一天,有一位痞子帅哥大盗Flynn Rider由于身手矫健,总能掏出各界的追捕,捉拿他的赏金也一直在攀升,这也让他出境越来越艰难,当他来到高塔下方,发现这高塔正是最佳的藏身处,于是他凭着过人的能耐,徒手爬上了高塔,殊不知高塔上原来有着一位美少女,一场奇缘就此展开…...
第1个回答  2013-04-01
In a dark castle, there lived a girl very long hair, called Li Po Sa, she had to do housework for the witch Gedi Er, a little done, would have been scolding and Ge Dier Punishment. Lai Po Sha has two good friends, dragons and rabbits exposed than Penney, every day they accompany and help Li Po Sa. Lai Po Sha loves to draw, but Ge Dier did not allow, but unfortunately, only Lai Po Sa secretly painting. Chance, Lai Po Sha found in the basement of the castle, inside the castle there is an outside pass to the channel, Lai Po Sha for the first time out of the castle. In a piece of grass outside the castle, Lai Po Sa saved three lovely girls, they are the prince's three sisters Sida Fen: Bello, Lu Yun Na and Jiacui Na. Lai Po Sa and Si Dafen at first sight, the prince asked the name of Lai Po Sha, Sha Li Po did not say that. Li Po Lufthansa's actions were weasels Otto told Gedi Er, Ge Dier put off in the Lai Po Sa Tower, pressed the prince's name, but, Lai Po Sha really do not know. One day, Li Po and Sha Lu Penney and the ratio of the help, found a magic pen, use it to draw Lai Po Sha the outside world, and by painting can go outside. Lai Po Sha finally did find the prince, the prince invited her to attend his birthday party. However, this has been Gedi Er know, she cut the hair Sha Li Po, Li Po Sha ruined the brush and put a curse on the tower facilities, posing as Li Po Sa to arrive in Sri Lanka to kill DaVinci prince. At the crucial moment, Lai Po Sha appeared, exposed Ge Dier plot, and met his father, King Khan --- Will neighbors. Originally, Ge Dier had unrequited love Will King Khan, the latter due to love to hate, captured the King Khan, the daughter of Will Shakespeare Li Po. Lai Po Sha managed to Gedi Er into the tower, Ge Dier in his own "Do not ever lie to the release of the prisoners, "the curse is forever trapped in the tower on the. Later, Lai Po Sa and Si Dafen married, living a happy life. Also, rabbits and Charizard Penney ratio and dew also admitted to their palace.
