
(1) 渡口只有一条船,一次只能渡两个人,而且只有大人才能够划船,到河对岸后需要一个人将船送回到河这边。
(2) 贼只能和警察在一块,因为当警察不在身边时,贼就会伤害那对夫妻及他们的孩子。
(3) 贼不敢逃跑。
(4) 当母亲不在女儿身边时,父亲会责骂女儿。
(5) 当父亲不在儿子身边时,结亲也会责骂儿子。



第1个回答  2013-03-26
#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 100

typedef enum BOOL
FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1

typedef union Items
char boy : 1;
char girl : 1;
char father : 1;
char mother : 1;
char police : 1;
char thief : 1;
char : 0;
char c;
}*pItems, Items;

Items item[MAX];
int boat[MAX];
int length;

int Boat[2];
Items ItemMask[12];
char* msg[4] = { "comes back single.", "comes back together.",
"pasts the river single.", "past the river together." };
char* msgn[12] = { "father", "mother", "police", "thief",
"police and the thief", "police and the father",
"police and the mother", "police and the boy",
"police and the girl", "father and the boy",
"mother and the girl", "father and the mother"};

BOOL IsLegal ( Items item )
Items t1, t2, t3;
Items t4, t5, t6;
t1.c = 0, t2.c = 0, t3.c = 0;
t4.c = 0, t5.c = 0, t6.c = 0;

t1.girl = 1, t1.father = 1, t1.mother = 0;
t4.girl = 1, t4.father = 1, t4.mother = 1;
t2.boy = 1, t2.father = 0, t2.mother = 1;
t5.boy = 1, t5.father = 1, t5.mother = 1;
t3.thief = 1, t3.police = 0;
t6.thief = 1, t6.police = 1;

if (( t4.c & item.c ) == t1.c ) {
return FALSE;
if (( t5.c & item.c ) == t2.c ) {
return FALSE;
if ((( item.c & t6.c ) == t3.c ) && (( item.c ^ t3.c ) != 0)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

BOOL IsInStack ( Items item, int boat )
int i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < stack.length; ++i ) {
if (( item.c == stack.item[i].c ) && ( boat == stack.boat[i] )) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

BOOL IsStackFull ()
return stack.length >= MAX ? TRUE : FALSE;

BOOL Rule ( pItems itemL, pItems itemR, int boat, int i )
Items left, right;
if ( 0 == boat ) {
left.c = itemL->c;
right.c = itemR->c;
else {
left.c = itemR->c;
right.c = itemL->c;

if (( left.c & ItemMask[i].c ) != ItemMask[i].c ) {
return FALSE;
left.c ^= ItemMask[i].c;
right.c ^= ItemMask[i].c;

if ( 0 == boat ) {
itemL->c = left.c;
itemR->c = right.c;
else {
itemL->c = right.c;
itemR->c = left.c;
return TRUE;

BOOL PastRiver ( Items itemL, Items itemR, int boat )
Items newL, newR;
int i = 0, j = 0;

if ( itemL.c == 0 ) {
return TRUE;

for ( i = 0; i < 12; ++i ){
newL.c = itemL.c, newR.c = itemR.c;
if ( TRUE == Rule ( &newL, &newR, boat, i )) {
if (( TRUE == IsLegal (newL)) && ( TRUE == IsLegal (newR) )) {
if (( FALSE == IsInStack ( newL, boat )) && ( FALSE == IsStackFull() )) {
stack.item[stack.length].c = newL.c;
stack.boat[stack.length] = boat;
stack.length ++;
if ( TRUE == PastRiver ( newL, newR, Boat[boat] )) {
if (( 0 == boat ) && ( i < 4 )) {
j = 2;
if (( 0 == boat ) && ( i >= 4 )) {
j = 3;
if (( 1 == boat ) && ( i < 4 )) {
j = 0;
if (( 1 == boat ) && ( i >= 4 )) {
j = 1;
printf ( "The %s %s\n", msgn[i], msg[j] );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

void Init()
int i = 0;
stack.length = 0;
Boat[0] = 1;
Boat[1] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 12; ++i ) {
ItemMask[i].c = 0;
ItemMask[0].father = 1;
ItemMask[1].mother = 1;
ItemMask[2].police = 1;
ItemMask[3].thief = 1;
ItemMask[4].police = 1, ItemMask[4].thief = 1;
ItemMask[5].police = 1, ItemMask[5].father = 1;
ItemMask[6].police = 1, ItemMask[6].mother = 1;
ItemMask[7].police = 1, ItemMask[7].boy = 1;
ItemMask[8].police = 1, ItemMask[8].girl = 1;
ItemMask[9].father = 1, ItemMask[9].boy = 1;
ItemMask[10].mother = 1, ItemMask[10].girl = 1;
ItemMask[11].father = 1, ItemMask[11].mother = 1;

int main ()
Items itemL, itemR;
itemL.c = 0, itemR.c = 0;
itemL.father = 1, itemL.mother = 1;
itemL.boy = 1, itemL.girl = 1;
itemL.police = 1, itemL.thief = 1;

stack.item[stack.length].c = itemL.c;
stack.boat[stack.length] = 1;
if ( FALSE == PastRiver ( itemL, itemR, 0 )) {
printf ("BAD!!\n");
return 0;
第2个回答  2013-03-26