

There are several translation techniques at the syntactic level, including literal translation, free translation, and reordering. Here are the explanations and English examples for each of these methods:
Literal Translation:
This method involves translating the original text word for word and sentence by sentence, preserving the structure and meaning of the source language. While it can accurately retain the original content, it may result in awkward grammar or unnatural expressions in the target language.
Example: Original - 我们要去看电影. Literal Translation - We want to go watch a movie.
Free Translation:
This technique focuses on the meaning of the original text and allows for flexibility in translation, avoiding strict adherence to the structure and grammar of the source language. It aims to convey the essence of the original meaning, which can lead to a more fluent and natural translation but may omit certain details from the original.
Example: Original - 做事情要有计划. Free Translation - Planning is important when getting things done.
This method involves adjusting the order of the words or phrases within a sentence while maintaining the original meaning. The aim is to make the translation align with English sentence structures, ensuring that the revised sentence still conveys the intended meaning from the original.
Example: Original - 他的眼睛深邃无比,让人难以忘怀. Reordering - His eyes were so profound that they were unforgettable.