

In English, the term for "说明方法" in a descriptive text is often referred to as "explanation methods" or "methods of description." These methods are the techniques used by an author to describe or explain a subject to the reader in a clear and understandable way. They are particularly important in expository writing, where the goal is to inform or explain a topic.
Here are some common explanation methods used in writing:
1. Definition: This method involves giving the meaning of a term or concept. It helps the reader understand the specific meaning of a word or phrase in the context of the text.
2. Example: By providing a real-life or hypothetical example, this method helps to illustrate a point or principle, making it easier for the reader to grasp.
3. Comparison: This involves contrasting two or more items to highlight their similarities and differences. It can help the reader understand complex ideas by relating them to something more familiar.
4. Cause and Effect: This method explains how an event or action leads to specific outcomes. It helps the reader understand the relationship between different events or actions.
5. Process: This method describes a series of steps or actions required to complete a task or achieve a goal. It is particularly useful for explaining how something works or is made.
6. Classification: This involves dividing a large group into smaller, more manageable groups based on shared characteristics. It helps the reader organize information by recognizing patterns and groupings.
7. Summary: This method provides a concise overview of key points or main ideas. It is useful for reinforcing what the reader has already learned.
8. Analysis: This involves breaking down a complex idea into its component parts to examine its meaning or functionality. It helps the reader understand the deeper aspects of a subject.
These methods can be used individually or in combination, depending on the complexity of the subject and the needs of the reader. By employing these explanation methods effectively, an author can ensure that their text is clear, engaging, and informative.