新课标 初二下册unit3sectionB,2a,2b(听力翻译)


Boy:What a day I had! 我度过了怎样的一天啊!
Girl:Tell me about it, John.告诉我吧,约翰。
Boy:Well, while I was walking to school I saw a cat in a tree. It Was really scared.当我步行去上学时,我看到了一只猫在树上。它真的很害怕。
Girl:What did you do? 你做什么了?
Boy:I climbed the tree.我爬树了。
Girl:And you got the cat? 你抓到了那只猫?
Boy:Nope. While I was climbing the tree, a man saw me. It was his tree and he shouted at me. So I stopped climbing.
Girl:What about the cat? 猫怎么样了呢?
Boy:It wanted to jump down.But it was too scared.
Girl:Then what happened? 然后发生了什么?
Boy:Then the mad called the police.And while he was calling the police, a woman called the newspaper.然后那个人打电话报警了。他正给警察打电话时,一位女士给报社打电话了。
Girl:What did you do? 你做什么了?
Boy:I jumped down from the tree.And then the cat jumped down too.
Girl:That's good.那太好了。
Boy:And then the police officer and the newspaper reporter arrived. The police officer said,“Good boy!”And the newspaper reporter took a photo to put in the news paper.
Girl:That's great! 太棒了!
Boy:Yes, but while he was taking the photo, the cat went up the tree again.
Girl:What did you do? 你做什么了?
Boy:What do you think? 你认为呢?