this is so wonderful party对吗?



This is so wonderful a party.

或者:This is such a wonderful party.

第1个回答  2022-06-28
Ben is going to fly to Beijing tomorrow evening.Ben is going to go to Beijing _by plane tomorrow night 将下列单词填到相应的横线上fun,birthday,together,cook,invite,buy,big,going,togethermy grandparents my birthday is ***.lt's on december 3rd.I'm__going_____to have a party.I will__invite,_____my good friends zhang min and chen ***.my father is going to __buy a big birthday cake for ***.my mother is going to__cook_____delicious ***.my aunt and under say theywill give me a__big_____surprise.what is it?I don't know.but my grandparents will give me a new ***.how wonderful!we have dinner __together,_____with us.I'msure we will have__fun_____on that day.I'mlooking forward to that day. match,likes,both,st,be,has,with,sometimes,just,beginsmy father__likes_____football very much.he enjoy___both____watching football games and playing football.he often plays football on sunday__with,_____his friends.__sometimes_____he even plays with my classmates!he is good__at_____playing foodtbal.he__has_____a lot of fun from playing foodtable.tonight,there will__be_____a foodtable__match_____between china and ***.It__begins_____at half past ***.It's very late."It doesn't matter,"my father says,"I__just_____love watching it!"选择最佳答案填空(C )ben prefers to go to beijing.A.prefering B.more likes C.prefers( B).berlin ______the capital of germany.A.welling ***.berlin C.singspore( A )we are in moscow now.we are going to_______home next monday.***.fly to C.flying( B )we can see_______birds at the zoo than on baiyun hill.A.many B.more C.better 根据上下文意思,补充对话所缺的单词A:hello.can I spesk to jackson?B:sure.___Who's_____ that?A:__This_ is mike.__Will you be free tomorrow?B:yes.A:I'm___going_____ to go fishing tomorrow afternoon.would you___like_____ to go?B:that's__great . where_ shall we meet?A:___At_____ the gate of the park.B:no___problem_____ see you tomorrow.A:____See____ you.
第2个回答  2020-10-31
This is such an interesting party.
This is such a wonderful party.