英语作文 关于绿色无公害蔬菜

要求: 你的家乡有一家农场“Green Forever Farm”,生产绿色无公害蔬菜。写一篇广告。 要点。1蔬菜品种多样 2不用化肥,使用有机肥 3远离工业区水源纯净 4价格普通蔬菜稍贵

Green Vegetables
With the development of sociaty,people are paying more and more attention to their health.Thanks to some health problems caused by the traditional vegetalbles,peopel are caring more about the safety of the food they eat.So,green vegetables are becoming more and more popular.Compared with the traditional vegetables,Green vegetables have a lot of advantages.For example,they cause less pollution to our environment,soil and underground water.Green vegetables are grown in an un-polluted area,they are very delicious and are good for our health.What's more,we can save much energy by planting green vegetables.