我最喜欢的昆虫 英语作文


1. I most like insects.
- 我最喜欢的昆虫是知了。
2. The cicada has two names, also called cicadas, cicada.
- 知了有两个名字,又叫知了又叫蝉。
3. The cicada is the usual summer little animal, it has six legs, the forefoot is curved sword, can be used as its weapon, which each foot has a hook.
- 知了是夏天常见的小动物,它有六只脚,前脚是弯弯的大刀,可以当作它的武器,它的每一只脚上有一个勾子。
4. Cicada's wings like a cracked glass.
- 知了的翅膀像有裂缝的玻璃。
5. The cicada was on the ground, grow up to drill out, I heard that the shell can do drugs!
- 知了小时候是在地下的,长大的时候才钻出来,听说它的壳还能做药呢!
6. The cicada food branch of the juice, as long as the mouth of the pipe plug, you can explicitly sucking juice.
- 知了的食物是树枝里的汁,只要嘴巴上的那根管插上去,就能痛痛快快地吸汁了。
7. The cicada is daddy following a call "motor", as long as the press can be called up, his voice is very loud, thirty meters can hear clearly.
- 知了爸爸的肚子下面有一个能叫的“马达”,只要一摁就可以叫起来,它的声音很响亮,三十米外都能听得很清楚。
8. I often and little friends to catch cicadas, we came under the tree, see the trees there are many cicadas.
- 我常常和小朋友去抓知了,我们来到大树底下,看见树上有很多知了。
9. Once, when the wind blows a cicada fly down, captured by me.
- 有一回,刮风的时候有一只知了飞下来,被我抓住了。
10. I put it into a large bottle of Gary, then put into a basin filled with water, it will climb into the water.
- 我把它放进一个大瓶子里,然后放进装满水的盆里,它就爬到水里去了。
11. I thought: it may want to drink water. Never thought it was going to swim, it will dive!
- 我心里想:可能它想喝水吧。没想到它是下去游泳的,它还会潜水呢!
12. It's in the water. Pat little wings, then dive down into the water and in the water, it is water, smoke a lot of bubbles.
- 它在水里拍拍小翅膀,再潜到水里,它在水里叫,水里冒出很多泡泡。
13. I took it out of the water, it is not called.
- 我把它从水里拿出来,它就不叫了。
14. When I put it on the ground, it is the same as the top of the rotation, wings open, happy to sing the song.
- 当我把它放在地上,它像陀螺一样的转动,翅膀张开了,就快乐地唱起歌来。